
Volunteers: An Important Part of the Cancer Care Team

志愿者是亨斯迈癌症研究所团队的重要成员. These caring people support us in many ways:

  • 在病人和家属住院期间给予他们个人的关注
  • Working with services such as the G. Mitchell Morris Cancer Learning Center
  • Assisting with laboratory research and clinical trials
  • Making donations to help patients
  • Helping at fundraising and special events


The greatest benefit comes from helping others. 你可以获得与世界上最好的癌症专家一起工作的宝贵经验. 亨斯迈癌症研究所还为志愿者大发娱乐提供其他福利:

  • Meal voucher after meeting shift requirement(s)
  • Free volunteer uniform shirt and name badge
  • 每年免费注射流感疫苗
  • 免费停车

Volunteer Requirements

志愿者必须是可靠的,致力于服务,并定期大发娱乐提供服务. We encourage people who have been affected by cancer to apply. 患有癌症的人必须至少停止治疗一年才能参加志愿者活动. Except for some positions, 所有潜在的志愿者必须填写一份申请并大发娱乐提供两封推荐信.

  • Be at least 16 years old
  • Interview with a volunteer coordinator
  • Work at least one 3-hour shift each week for 6+ months
  • Pass a criminal background check
  • 每年接种一次流感疫苗,由亨茨曼癌症研究所免费大发娱乐提供
  • Be current on immunizations
  • Sign a confidentiality agreement
  • Complete online training about patient privacy policies, 医院安全, and infection control guidelines

Volunteer Opportunities

Huntsman Cancer Foundation 事件

洪博培癌症基金会的活动离不开出色的志愿者. From Huntsman SportsFest to our Annual Gala, we welcome people who can share their time and energy with us. 作为一名志愿者,你为亨斯迈癌症研究所的救生工作大发娱乐提供资金. 如果你有兴趣加入大发娱乐优秀的志愿者社区,请 大发娱乐.


奥雅纳血液服务公司为亨斯迈癌症研究所的患者大发娱乐提供所有血液制品. Donating 血 is a lifesaving gift to cancer patients. Some cancers or cancer treatments like chemotherapy, 血, 骨髓移植, require frequent 血 transfusions. 联系 奥雅纳 to learn about upcoming events to give 血.

In-Person Cancer Hospital Volunteers

离开的艺术: Help patients complete a simple art project of their choice. 志愿者将在输液区(患者接受治疗期间)与患者一起工作,并在整个医院与住院患者一起工作. No artistic skill required. 

Cancer Hospital 病人 & 家庭 Advisory Council: Provide feedback about your experience as a patient, or family member of a patient, to help us improve patient care. 与护理人员和其他理事会志愿者一起制定计划和审查材料. 大发娱乐 病人 & 家庭 Advisory Council brochure.

Cancer Learning Center: Put together books and information for patients in the Cancer Learning Center.

输液中心: 大发娱乐工作人员,为接受化疗的病人大发娱乐提供温暖的毯子和枕头. Stock supply carts and kitchen areas.

青年志愿者: 年龄在16-18岁的人协助员工完成各种行政工作 琳达B. 罗伯特·B. •威金斯健康 & Integrative Health Center. Assist with projects in the volunteer workroom.

Outpatient Clinic Assistant: Help staff with clinic needs, including escorting patients.

手术候诊室: 分享手术患者的状态,并在候诊室向家属大发娱乐提供其他有用的信息.

In-Person 研究 Volunteers

临床试验 Office

  • 样品处理: 与团队合作,跟踪和组织实验室试剂盒,患者标本记录和实验室材料. Carry materials between research and clinic labs.
  • Administrative Support: General office duties such as getting the mail, 申请, compiling and updating spreadsheets, 归档文件, and ordering and stocking supplies.
  • 研究数据: 与团队一起收集和归档电子医疗、病理和标本记录.

Lobby Information Desk: 在大堂服务台接待并协助客人. 这包括指路和回答一般问题.

Population Sciences Administrative Office: 有一般办公室工作,包括医疗记录归档和数据录入. Some knowledge of medical terminology is helpful.





活动的书: 活动书是病人放松和打发时间的好方法. 患者还喜欢成人涂色书和彩色铅笔.

Activity Bags and Comfort Packets: 为那些需要长时间住院的病人准备一些个人必需品和舒适用品. 所有项目必须是新的. These small totes or bags can include any of the following.

  • 期刊
  • Coloring books for adults
  • Crossword, Sudoku, and Word Find activity books
  • 润唇膏
  • Pens, pencils, colored pencils, small pencil sharpeners
  • 打牌
  • Travel-size hand lotion
  • Travel-size hand sanitizer bottles

毯子: 为最后一次化疗或放疗后的患者制作“毕业”被子或毯子(4 ‘ x 5 ’或5 ' x 6 '). 被子可以是缝的、系的,也可以是用羊毛做的,边缘简单的裁剪和系. We cannot accept used blankets.

书: 大发娱乐接受英文或西班牙文的新书或二手书,供诊所候诊室使用.

礼品卡: 大发娱乐接受汽油或杂货的礼品卡,以大发娱乐有经济需要的病人.

帽子: We cannot accept used hats. Please ensure donations are adult sizes. Make, or buy, knit hats for the fall/winter. 异彩纷呈的 hats and caps for spring/summer are preferred. 帽子应该用柔软的织物做,不会刺激敏感的皮肤.

头巾: We cannot accept used scarves. 制作或购买不会刺激敏感皮肤的柔软面料的头巾.

医院的朋友: A medical play doll for our pediatric patients. Download medical play doll pattern.

洗衣用具: 大发娱乐接受无香味的洗衣粉和未开封的干衣纸 in-patient family laundry rooms.

Medical Pouches (JP Bags): 医用袋将病人的JP引流管和管子放在身体旁边,以防止它们摩擦和刺激皮肤. Download medical pouch pattern.

颈枕: Make, or buy, neck pillows for patients. Download neck pillow pattern.

睡眠面膜: 为病人制作眼罩,大发娱乐他们舒适的睡眠或休息. Masks must be made with entirely new materials. Download sleep mask pattern.

温度计: 大发娱乐接受新的体温计,让病人在治疗后在家监测体温.

病人 and 家庭 Food Pantry

志愿者服务组织为病人的亲人在住院期间大发娱乐提供货架稳定的食品. 大发娱乐在亨茨曼癌症研究所医院的病人家庭厨房里有一台微波炉, 烤面包机, 和冰箱. We collect the following donated items:

  • 苹果酱
  • 面包
  • Canned soups, chili, stew
  • Canned tuna and chicken
  • 开罐器
  • 芯片
  • 饼干
  • 早餐酒吧
  • 水果杯
  • 格兰诺拉燕麦卷
  • 果冻和果酱
  • Microwavable macaroni and cheese
  • Microwavable prepared meals
  • 花生酱

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you look for in a volunteer?

Huntsman Cancer Institute seeks caring, 可靠的, 以及能够灵活处理任务的忠诚员工. 大发娱乐将根据您的技能和兴趣为您大发娱乐提供服务.

What is the minimum age to volunteer?

Volunteers must be at least 16 years old.

How much time must I give?


Do I need a physical exam before working as a volunteer?

No physical exam is required. 你的免疫接种必须是最新的,你必须每年注射一次流感疫苗. 亨茨曼癌症研究所为志愿者免费大发娱乐提供流感疫苗.

What if I am sick or go on vacation?


Where will I park my car?

Huntsman Cancer Institute provides free parking for volunteers.


Want to volunteer with us? Here is what you need to do to apply:

  1. Complete and submit the application below.
    • 作为申请的一部分,你需要大发娱乐提供两个推荐人的联系信息. They will receive a link to the form they need to fill out.
  2. Attend an orientation meeting. 这包括关于患者保密以及健康和安全问题的主题. You will also get training specific to your assignment.
  3. Sign a confidentiality agreement.
  4. Pass a criminal background check.
  5. 满足某些健康要求,包括最新的所有免疫接种.
  6. Get an annual flu shot.



Huntsman Cancer Institute Hospital
1950 Circle of Hope, Room 1110
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

电子邮件: volunteerservices@hci.犹他州.edu