
New Study Findings Help Physicians and 病人 Determine 前列腺癌 Cancer Risk

SALT LAKE CITY—A discovery by researchers at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 shows that looking at whether a man's uncles and great-grandparents, 还有其他的二、三级亲属, had 前列腺癌 could be as important as looking at whether his father had 前列腺癌. A more complete family history would give physicians a new tool to decide whether or not a PSA test was appropriate.

"Family history is a substantial risk factor for 前列腺癌," said 丽莎·坎农-奥尔布赖特博士.D., U of U professor of genetic epidemiology and an HCI investigator. “但通常, a clinician will ask a patient whether there are any people in the family with 前列腺癌, possibly identifying whether they are first-学位 relatives. 到此为止."

Cannon-Albright's team used data from the 犹他州人口数据库, which correlates genealogic and medical information for more than 7.300万人, to create individualized risk estimates for men based on 前列腺癌 history in their first-, 第二, 还有三级亲属. [见下面的侧边栏]

的y calculated individualized relative risks for men with 前列腺癌 family histories, 基于数字, 学位, and age at diagnosis of their affected relatives for many different "constellations,“或者这些因素的组合. 浓缩他们的发现以供临床使用, the team identified constellations that conferred greater than two-fold and three-fold risk. 病人 and clinicians can refer to this data to help them determine an appropriate individual plan for 前列腺癌 screening.

根据这项研究, two-thirds of Utah men have some increased risk of developing 前列腺癌 based on their family history of the disease, but only a minority have substantially increased risk—10% have three times the risk, 26%的人患病风险翻倍, compared to men from families with no history of 前列腺癌. Because this population is genetically similar to most white men of Caucasian and northern European descent, the findings can be extrapolated to these populations as well. 研究ers from 亨茨曼癌症研究所 (HCI) 在 犹他大学 (U of U) recently published these findings in the journal 前列腺癌.

"的 clinical application of our findings is especially relevant because there is no consensus on 前列腺癌 screening,合著者Robert A. Stephenson, MD, professor of urologic oncology 在 U of U and an HCI investigator. "Knowing 前列腺癌 risk estimates associated with a man's detailed family history can help pinpoint the men who will benefit from targeted screening."

的 team found that even though the advent of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening test increased the overall number of 前列腺癌 diagnoses, the proportion of cases with associated family history remained the same before and after PSA screening became widely used. 也, the study showed family history of 前列腺癌 among a man's maternal relatives contributes to elevated risk equally with history among paternal relatives.

"的re may be a synergistic effect if a man has both maternal and paternal family history,坎农-奥尔布赖特说. “大发娱乐想进一步调查, 还有其他因素,比如种族, 社会经济地位, and previous diagnosis with another type of cancer into the risk calculations. This will broaden the populations to which the risk estimates apply."

除了, the team is currently working on similar family history risk assessments for breast and lung cancers.

"What I do for my ‘full-time job' is study high-risk pedigrees and look for cancer genes,坎农-奥尔布赖特说. "的y are very helpful to a small portion of cancer cases and families. 但事实上,我觉得我对每个人都有责任, and those gene identification projects won't help everybody. If we can identify subsets of people at greatest risk and target screening for those people, 这将对许多人的生活产生影响.

"Even after we find the genetic mutations responsible for some 前列腺癌s, 家族史数据将是经济上可持续的, 可行的, 强大的, and effective way to accurately estimate 前列腺癌 risk,她说.

Neeraj Agarwal,医学博士和William T. Lowrance, MD, both HCI investigators, are among the paper's co-authors. 弗雷德里克·奥尔布赖特, 博士学位, 犹他大学药物治疗助理教授, 与斯蒂芬森共同为第一作者. 其他合著者包括Craig C. Teerlink博士和James M. 遗传流行病学部门的Farnham说.

这项研究得到了美国农业部的支持.S. Department of Defense 前列腺癌 Cancer 研究 Program grant number W81XWH-11-1-0342, HCI and its Cancer Center Support grant P30 CA42114 from the National Cancer Institute, 亨茨曼癌症基金会, 在其他来源中.

Third Degree Relatives Great-Grandparent, Great-Grandchild, First Cousin, Great-Uncle

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关于 亨茨曼癌症研究所 犹他大学

亨茨曼癌症研究所 (HCI) is one of the world's top academic research and cancer treatment centers. HCI管理 犹他州人口数据库 -世界上最大的基因数据库, 有超过1600万条家谱记录, 健康记录, 生命统计数据. 使用这些数据, HCI研究人员已经确定了致癌基因, 包括导致黑色素瘤的基因, 结肠癌和乳腺癌, 和副神经节瘤. HCI是 全国癌症综合网络 (a 23-member alliance of the world's leading cancer centers) and is a 国家癌症研究所指定的癌症中心. HCI treats patients with all forms of cancer and operates several high-risk clinics that focus on melanoma and breast, 结肠, 还有胰腺癌. 的 HCI Cancer Learning Center for patient and public education contains one of the nation's largest collections of cancer-related publications. 该研究所以……命名 乔恩·米. 老猎人,., a Utah philanthropist, industrialist, and cancer survivor.