
National Cancer Institute Awards 亨茨曼癌症研究所 Elite Comprehensive Cancer Center Designation




盐湖城——美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)授予 亨斯迈癌症研究所(HCI) 在 犹他大学 its Comprehensive Cancer Center status, the highest designation possible. 今天,NCI在给Dr. Mary Beckerle, HCI的首席执行官兼董事. The award was the result of an extensive review process that culminated in a full-day on-site visit by national cancer research experts and thought leaders in the fourth quarter of 2014.

有了这个新身份, 亨茨曼癌症研究所 joins distinguished cancer centers such as Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center, MD安德森癌症中心, 哈佛大学丹娜-法伯癌症研究所, 约翰霍普金斯金梅尔综合癌症中心, and the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center; recognized among the top cancer centers in the world. HCI is the only cancer center to be designated by the National Cancer Institute in the five-state Intermountain West region, 包括犹他州, 怀俄明, 蒙大拿, 爱达荷州, 和内华达, 它覆盖了美国大陆面积的17%以上.

The comprehensive cancer center designation recognizes not only the outstanding cancer research, 培训, 以及HCI长期开展的公共推广项目, but acknowledges the exceptional depth and breadth of HCI research in each of the three major cancer research areas: laboratory, 临床和基于人群的研究. The designation also recognizes HCI for the impact of its research findings on national cancer care guidelines and improved patient outcomes.

This designation is the result of professionalism and exceptional expertise of our physicians, 科学家们, 亨茨曼癌症研究所的行政人员,约翰·M说。. 老猎人,.他是亨斯迈癌症研究所的创始人和主要捐助者. "Only a small percentage of the nation's cancer programs have the excellence necessary to receive comprehensive cancer center status. 这将对大发娱乐州的癌症患者产生多大的影响, 在该地区, 在这个世界上.

An NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center must demonstrate depth and breadth of cancer research, as well as substantial transdisciplinary research that bridges these scientific areas and changes cancer care. 除了, a comprehensive cancer center must demonstrate professional and public 教育 and outreach capabilities, including the distribution of clinical and public health advances in the communities it serves. 这项评估是由一组国家癌症专家完成的, 包括严格的科学审查, 竞争性拨款程序, 实地考察.

U.S. 森. 犹他州的奥林·哈奇(Orrin Hatch)赞扬了HCI进行的高质量癌症研究. "I have nothing but praise for the high quality of the 亨茨曼癌症研究所's cancer research, 向公众宣传, 病人的治疗,他说. “大发娱乐很幸运,在大发娱乐州有这样非凡的资源. HCI is truly on the cutting edge of cancer research and provides unmatched care for patients during one of the most difficult times in their lives."

在拨款提交时的一封支持信中,犹他州州长. Gary Herbert wrote of the "major impact [亨茨曼癌症研究所] has on advancing cancer research, 教育, 不仅在大发娱乐州,而且在全国范围内.

大发娱乐很自豪能在大发娱乐州拥有亨茨曼癌症研究所,”赫伯特继续说道. "HCI has done a remarkable job of building upon an impressive history of genetic discoveries to advance personalized cancer care."

NCI每五年对其指定的癌症中心进行一次评估. 自2009年上次评估以来, 当HCI申请并获得其癌症中心地位的更新, it has recruited 33 new program members and garnered 20 percent more NCI funding of its studies, 即使这样的资金越来越难以获得. HCI opened more than 60 new collaborative grants and doubled enrollment in clinical trials of cancer treatments in the five-year project period. 除了, 2011年完成的扩建工程使癌症医院的规模扩大了一倍, and construction is underway that will double the size of HCI's research facilities upon its completion in 2017.

“亨茨曼癌症研究所是最好的医疗保健的典范, 癌症治疗可以,李维安说。, MD, 博士学位, 工商管理硕士, 犹他大学健康科学高级副校长. "The Cancer Center has developed a top-notch system that integrates researchers and clinicians to work closely together to advance cutting edge care and marry science with compassion."

HCI's research excellence has been made possible by generous support of the Huntsman family and the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, 通过慈善捐款来支持HCI的研究使命. A 10-member External Advisory Board provides planning and evaluation direction to HCI; it includes such outstanding scientific luminaries as Edward Benz MD, president of the 哈佛大学丹娜-法伯癌症研究所; Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn, 博士学位, of the University of California at San Francisco; and Brian Druker, MD, 俄勒冈健康科学大学奈特癌症中心主任.

在得知HCI获奖后. 本茨说:“我祝贺犹他州和西部山间地区的人民. 在你的社区有nci指定的综合癌症中心, 在你所在的地区, 是一个巨大的优势. The entire region now has access to the absolute cutting edge of the application of cancer research to new treatments, 新的预防策略和早期发现癌症的新策略."

"The positive review of HCI's programs by leaders in cancer research recognizes and reaffirms the innovation and impact of our efforts to save lives. This NCI designation brings financial resources to support further development of our research infrastructure, 保持大发娱乐在技术和专业知识的领先地位," Dr. Beckerle说. “这是对大发娱乐持续卓越潜力的认可, 以及大发娱乐之前的成就, magnifies our ability to attract top faculty and additional grant support for cancer research."

现在被认为是癌症遗传学研究的世界领先者, 亨茨曼癌症研究所's research strategy is to translate genetic understanding of cancer into individualized risk assessment, 诊断, 和治疗. HCI and its researchers have earned international recognition for their work in identifying gene mutations for hereditary 结肠 cancer, 乳腺癌和卵巢癌, 黑素瘤, 神经纤维瘤病, 和副神经节瘤.

NCI是美国国立卫生研究院的一部分, 是卫生与公众服务部下属的11个机构之一. It was established in 1937 as the federal government's principal agency for cancer research and 培训.

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关于 亨茨曼癌症研究所犹他大学

亨斯迈癌症研究所(HCI) is one of the world's top academic research and cancer treatment centers. HCI管理 犹他州人口数据库 -世界上最大的基因数据库, 有超过1600万条家谱记录, 健康记录, 生命统计数据. 使用这些数据, HCI研究人员已经确定了致癌基因, 包括导致黑色素瘤的基因, 结肠癌和乳腺癌, 和副神经节瘤. HCI是 全国癌症综合网络 (一个由26家世界领先癌症中心组成的联盟) 国家癌症研究所指定的综合癌症中心. HCI treats patients with all forms of cancer and operates several high-risk clinics that focus on 黑素瘤 and breast, 结肠, 还有胰腺癌. The HCI Cancer Learning Center for patient and public 教育 contains one of the nation's largest collections of cancer-related publications. 该研究所以……命名 乔恩·米. 老猎人,.他是犹他州的慈善家、实业家和癌症幸存者.