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Larry H. & 盖尔·米勒家庭基金会和犹他大学健康在路上与2型糖尿病作斗争

Wellness bus

New outreach vehicle, "The Wellness Bus" will provide diabetes and wellness education, prevention and screenings to communities in Utah

University of Utah Health today launched The Wellness Bus, 这是一种独特的方法,可以直接接触到服务不足的社区,与2型糖尿病作斗争, 包括那些特别有患病风险的人群.

The mobile outreach vehicle is part of the "Driving Out Diabetes: A Larry H. Miller Family Wellness Initiative,于去年11月宣布,并由拉里. & Gail Miller Family Foundation. 这项大胆的倡议结合了一种新的三管齐下的方法,通过预防和外展来治疗糖尿病, clinical care, and research and training. 健康巴士能够主动向最易患糖尿病的人群大发娱乐提供筛查服务和健康指导. 最常见的2型糖尿病,如果发现得足够早,通常是可以预防的.

“大发娱乐鼓励所有看到健康巴士的人利用这个可能挽救生命的机会," said Gail Miller, chairman of the Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation. “这种大发娱乐预防糖尿病的创新方法将对那些易患这种疾病的人及其亲人产生持久的影响, enriching lives for generations."

米勒形容她已故的丈夫拉里是一个有着钢铁般的意志的人,他找到了一种方法来完成他想要的一切, but she says, "When you get an illness like diabetes, you cannot will it away.拉里,犹他州著名的商人和慈善家,死于并发症 type 2 diabetes when he was 64 years old. "Our family knows firsthand the effects of diabetes, 大发娱乐致力于大发娱乐教育和拯救其他人免受这种毁灭性疾病的侵害," said Miller.

超过3000万美国人或大约10%的美国人口患有糖尿病. 它仍然是2015年美国第七大死因, with 79,535 death certificates listing it as the underlying cause of death, and a total of 252,806份死亡证明,将糖尿病列为潜在或促成死亡的原因. Additionally, 34% of US adults have prediabetes. However, 十分之九的人不知道自己处于糖尿病前期, and are at greater risk for developing diabetes.

健康巴士是仿照哈佛医学院的移动医疗单位——家庭面包车——为波士顿社区服务超过25年. The Wellness Bus is a diesel-powered, 40-ft custom designed RV that has two private counseling rooms, two screening stations and a waiting/education area. 外部设计的灵感来自格伦代尔的社区成员,旨在突出健康食品和活动, as well as multicultural inclusiveness. The Wellness Bus will offer chronic disease screening, nutrition education, health and wellness counseling, 以及医疗和社会服务转介给居住在2型糖尿病高危人群社区的犹他州人.

Since the initiative's announcement in November, 犹他大学健康团队通过与教育工作者的对话收集了社区成员的意见, librarians, elected officials, nonprofit organizations, 免费和降低费用的医疗诊所和卫生部门——设计和执行一个项目,以补充现有的服务,促进更健康的生活方式.

"Even in a relatively healthy state like Utah, 糖尿病的流行和潜在的糖尿病前期的流行是相当显著的, and no single health system or group can address this," said U of U Health Chief Wellness Officer Robin Marcus, 她是“驱除糖尿病行动”领导团队的成员. "I think Gail Miller, 她的家人和大发娱乐uu Health都明白,如果没有大发娱乐的大发娱乐,许多人将无法得到所需的治疗, as a community, come together and decide we're going to do something." Marcus added, "We are extremely grateful to the Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation, 大发娱乐赞赏盖尔·米勒的领导能力和远见,她大发娱乐大发娱乐将这一概念变为现实. 这种新颖的方法使大发娱乐能够主动接触到最需要大发娱乐的人——以一种容易接近且与他们的日常生活相关的方式."

该计划已经确定了四个社区,其中有重大机会对糖尿病预防产生影响, South Salt Lake, Midvale and Glendale. 健康巴士的工作人员和志愿者们兴奋地在6月8日上路,大发娱乐这些社区的人们改善健康和福祉.

In addition to The Wellness Bus, The Driving Out Diabetes: A Larry H. Miller Family Wellness Initiative, includes the following components:

Education and Prevention

健康学院的社区营养中心正在为学龄儿童和服务不足的低收入家庭大发娱乐提供新的项目,教导他们健康饮食和体育活动的重要性. Additionally, 健康和综合健康办公室扩大了国家糖尿病预防计划, which has been shown to reduce the incidence of Type 2 diabetes by 58%, to hundreds more people across our state.

Clinical Care

米勒家族的捐赠使犹他州糖尿病和内分泌中心能够大发娱乐提供新的临床护理模式,旨在更好地照顾已经患有糖尿病的患者. 一个发现糖尿病并发症的项目是对糖尿病视网膜病变和腿部动脉粥样硬化患者进行筛查. 还有一个新的糖尿病门诊临床护理和教育项目,通过为期一天的研讨会大发娱乐提供个人关注和小组学习,以调整患者的糖尿病管理.

Research and Training

As part of the Driving Out Diabetes Initiative, 正在对变革性研究项目进行投资,其目标是实现科学突破,从而改善治疗和生活.

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About the Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation

The Larry H. & 盖尔·米勒家族基金会成立于2007年,旨在让拉里和盖尔·米勒夫妇所倡导的慈善精神代代相传. 该基金会支持宗教、慈善、科学、文学和教育目的.