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Thinking of LASIK? What to Know First

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Thinking of LASIK? What to Know First

Aug 25, 2015
If you’re unable to wear contacts or glasses, 或者只是厌倦了它们,还有其他的选择来大发娱乐你矫正视力. The obvious one is LASIK, 这种药不仅能改善视力,还能大发娱乐治疗近视, far-sightedness and astigmatism. Dr. Tom Miller and Dr. Bala Ambati讨论LASIK和其他手术来大发娱乐改善你的视力, such as an intraocular contact lens. 他们谈论这些手术的短期和长期影响,以及它们如何影响你余生的视力.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Miller: 你不想戴眼镜,也不想戴隐形眼镜. Are there other options? We're going to talk about that next on Scope Radio. I'm Dr. Tom Miller.

Announcer:大发娱乐的专家大发娱乐提供有关您今天面临的最大健康问题的深入信息. The Specialists with Dr. Tom Miller is on The Scope.

Dr. Miller: 今天我请到了Bala Ambati他是犹他大学的眼科学教授. Bala, what's the story? 如果你不想戴眼镜,你甚至厌倦了尝试隐形眼镜,或者你因为任何原因不能戴隐形眼镜,还有其他选择?

Dr. Ambati: 大发娱乐现在为几乎任何年龄的患者大发娱乐提供了摆脱眼镜或隐形眼镜的选择. In the young adult population, 我认为在20到45岁之间最主要的选择当然是LASIK或者激光视力矫正. 对于高度近视的病人大发娱乐可以做所谓的眼内接触镜, placing a lens inside the eye between the iris and the lens.

Dr. Miller: Let's go back for a second. LASIK,实际上是一种激光切入角膜,晶状体? What does it do?

Dr. Ambati: LASIK, 激光视力矫正依靠在角膜的前四分之一创造一个皮瓣, 把皮瓣移到一边然后重塑剩下的角膜, the bed of the cornea, and then putting the flap back on.

有一些非常近视的病人不适合做LASIK手术因为激光对他们的眼睛来说太大了. 在这种情况下,大发娱乐可以大发娱乐提供所谓的眼内隐形眼镜,你可以进入眼睛内部,在虹膜之间放置一个隐形眼镜, the colored part of the eye, and the lens, 这种方法已经存在好几年了对高度近视人群效果很好.

Dr. Miller: Well, 听起来很棒,大发娱乐可以在一些人身上使用Lasik来减轻他们对眼镜或隐形眼镜的需要,但是Lasik手术有什么缺点吗?

Dr. Ambati: 我想说的是,任何时候你考虑做手术的时候都应该仔细检查一下. You want to make sure you don't have something called keratoconus. 大发娱乐做角膜扫描来观察角膜的形状和厚度. 大发娱乐想看看你的眼睛内部有没有其他问题.

Dr. Miller: 如果你有圆锥角膜,我想你不会喜欢lasik手术.

Dr. Ambati: 是的,我绝对不会给圆锥角膜患者做激光视力矫正. 重要的是要记住,在40岁之后,由于智慧和成熟的增加,眼睛中的晶状体会减弱,当这种情况发生时

Dr. Miller: What a nice way of putting that.

Dr. Ambati: When that happens, you start needing reading glasses. 所以,如果你在22岁或23岁时做了Lasik手术,那么你在40岁时就需要戴老花镜了. But if you never had LASIK, at age 40 you would need bifocals.

Dr. Miller: I see. That makes sense.

Dr. Ambati: Exactly. And then, as I mentioned, in the older population, in patients over 55 or 60, 在这一点上,摆脱眼镜或隐形眼镜的选择将是所谓的多焦点或适应性晶状体植入. 晶状体植入物,可以放置在眼睛内,可以大发娱乐提供远视和近视. That usually happens at the time of cataract surgery. 这是最近五六年里出现的一项很棒的技术.

Dr. Miller: It sounds like we can customize vision internally now almost.

Dr. Ambati: Absolutely. Anything in the front of the eye, the cornea, the lens, 大发娱乐可以根据人的眼睛、视觉目标和生活方式来重塑、替换和定制它.

Dr. Miller: 不久前我从一个病人那里得到的一个问题是你是否做过LASIK手术, does that prevent you from having cataract surgery later in life? Is that a problem?

Dr. Ambati: It doesn't prevent cataracts or any other eye condition. 所以如果你在25岁做LASIK手术你会在70岁的时候得白内障或者在90岁的时候得黄斑变性, those things are still going to happen. And you can still undergo the usual procedures for those.

Dr. Miller: What you mentioned is that LASIK is not for everybody. There are some patients that couldn't receive LASIK, you mentioned keratoconus was one of those conditions. You mentioned this intraocular lens implant. 与LASIK手术相比,你现在多久做一次人工晶状体植入手术? Is that becoming more popular?

Dr. Ambati: 我想说的是,对于近视超过八九个屈光度的患者, the intraocular contact lens is probably a better option.

Dr. Miller: 人工晶状体植入术是否比LASIK手术更危险? 如果没有,你认为在某个时候晶状体植入会比LASIK更受欢迎吗?

Dr. Ambati: Every surgery has risks. 因为眼内隐形眼镜需要进入眼睛内部, 与只在眼睛表面进行的激光视力矫正相比,眼睛内部出血或感染的风险更高. But that said, the risks are extremely low, less than 1%.

Dr. Miller: 听起来你首先会推荐的是LASIK手术如果角膜的测量值不太合适下一步就是推荐人工晶状体植入.

Dr. Ambati: First, 我会和病人交谈,看看他们处于生命的哪个阶段,他们的视觉目标和需求是什么. 对于70岁的人来说切除早期白内障并植入晶状体可能会更好. 但是对于21岁到45岁的患者来说,最好的手术是LASIK, assuming they're a good candidate. And that's what we would screen for.

如果他们不是一个好的选择因为他们的角膜太薄或者他们的角膜形状不正确那么就有很多选择,比如PRK, lasers without the flap, intacs if they have keratoconus, or the ICL, 如果他们是高度近视的病人或者是有污点的病人.

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