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住院医师面试季节到了, and you’re probably getting nervous about an interview you’ve secured. How do you make yourself stand out from other applicants and put your best face forward? 大发娱乐采访了. 卡罗琳·米尔恩, the residency program director for internal medicine at the University of Utah to ask for advice.


面试官: 祝贺你. You're a fourth-year medical student who's just secured an internal medicine residency interview, but how are you going to make yourself stand out in a sea of qualified candidates?


播音员: 通过医学院的道路可能会很艰难. 如果你有个导师来帮你,那不是很好吗? Well, whether you're first year or fourth year, we've got you covered. 《大发娱乐提供》上了《视野.

面试官: So residency interview season is here and to help you prepare for success, we have Dr. 卡罗琳·米尔恩, the residency program director for internal medicine at the University of Utah, and today she'll talk to us about how to launch yourself to the top of a program's applicant list with your interview. 所以博士. Milne, name three attributes of a stellar, must-have residency applicant.

Dr. 米尔恩: 我认为第一个特质是对某事的热情. 我有一个很大的培训计划. 大发娱乐绝对不是在找某一类人. We'll match about 55 residences here so, obviously they're a very diverse group of people. But most people do want to see a passion for something and it could be anything. 可能是一些社区服务组织. 也可以是研究. 它几乎可以是任何东西,但不是对某件事的真正热情. 这是1.

Two, I would be remiss if I didn't say that past performance is very important. People that have excelled throughout their early careers we think will predict success in later portions of training. If there's been something on your record that you're not delighted with there are ways to work around that, but every program director is looking for the highest performing applicant.

Three, would be people skills, which definitely include being able to work within a team. 医学现在非常重要。, very much team based and we want to see people that have been very professional and have good communication skills because we think that predicts success in a clinical specialty like ours, 这是内科学.

面试官: Right, and you can definitely demonstrate those communication skills during an interview, too.

Dr. 米尔恩: 是的,你可以.

面试官: 好吧. 你总是听到这样的话, 平均, interviewers establish their opinions on an interview candidate within the first few minutes of the interview. So what can an internal medicine residency candidate do to make sure that the first few minutes of their interview are a success?

Dr. 米尔恩: 我觉得与众不同很好. 我不认为你想变得特别. Appearance is important and you never know who your audience is going to be and what they're going to think of your level of uniqueness.

So maybe the interview is not the time to reveal something that some people might find unprofessional, 无论对公众来说是否不专业. I think that a conservative approach to appearance is definitely important and, 不管是好是坏, that's just the way it is and there are lots of studies that have looked at that.

我也认为这是一种谦逊的自信. You don't want to appear overly confident but you certainly don't want to appear under confident and you want to display some degree of humility. 和兴趣. 你肯定想要对你所在的地方感兴趣.

面试官: 好吧. What do you think medical students struggle with most during an interview and are there any ways we can avoid this pitfall?

Dr. 米尔恩: 我认为你需要确保你了解简历上的所有内容. It's surprising to me how many times I've picked up something that's on somebody's CV that it becomes very obvious within seconds that they know nothing about what they've written. It may have been a research project that they worked on in undergrad or the fact that they love basset hounds.

You never know what I'm going to ask you or what the interviewer is going to ask you but, 无论你的书面申请上有什么, 你需要确保你知道深度. Do not say you love Russian literature because you don't know if the person in front of you has a Ph.D. 如果你真的不喜欢俄国文学的话.

That's what I like to tell people that I'm mentoring as they're going into their fourth year is don't put anything on your CV that you're not very comfortable talking about extensively.

You can go through an entire interview season and people might not ask you about it but there might be somebody that asks you about something. You say you speak advanced Spanish and they start speaking Spanish to you and you really only speak beginner Spanish. 这是一个错误.

面试官: 这是一些可靠的建议.

You were saying how you like to see interview candidates who are passionate. Is there such a thing as an interview candidate who is too enthusiastic?

Dr. 米尔恩: 我想是的, but I think that experienced interviewers can tell if that's just somebody that's nervous. I would definitely rather see somebody that's overly enthusiastic than somebody that's under enthusiastic because if you in any way appear bored and, 信不信由你, 有些人会在面试时打哈欠, 你简直不敢相信. 这实际上也可能是一种紧张的迹象.

Even if it isn't a place that you want to be or you've decided already that this is some place that isn't going to work out for you, I think you want to represent yourself and the university that you're from in such a way that later people will speak highly of both of those things if it would ever cross their path again.

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