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Physician assistants (PA) are well-trained practitioners who prescribe drugs, have an abundance of practical patient experience an offer patient care in much the same way as a doctor. 随着越来越多的人获得医疗保险,美国的经济也在增长.S. 人口老龄化, 这将增加医生的病人负担, 这意味着私人助理将在医疗保健领域发挥更大的作用. PA Jennifer Coombs explains why emphasizing a team approach puts physician assistants in the sweet spot of patient interaction.


面试官: 一个医生的助手,或者说“P”,能做什么.A.为你做? 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中讨论这个问题.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah: physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 好吧, you have called the doctor's office because you want to get an appointment, 电话那头的人说, “嗯, 医生不会看到你的, 但大发娱乐可以让医生助理给你看,“你会犹豫和思考吗, “哦,人, 我牺牲了一些高质量的护理吗?这是一个常见的问题. 詹妮弗·库姆斯(Jennifer Coombs)一直是P.A. for 21 years will 希望 be able to answer that and some other questions about physician's assistants. 谢谢你过来.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: Hi.

面试官: 我刚才是不是把你惹毛了?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: No, I think there's a great question, and I want to talk about how P.A.s are utilized in a clinic and how patients have really come to accept physician's assistants now. 大发娱乐是医疗系统不可或缺的一部分, and I think it's going to be all hands on deck here in the future with us. 大发娱乐有大的, big healthcare needs that are going to need some very trained professionals that are going to be able to help people out there.

面试官: So help me understand, what exactly is a physician's assistant? I think most people get what a doctor is, but what is a P.A.?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 医师助理是医学专业人员, 大发娱乐有国家认证, 大发娱乐在犹他州有执业执照, 大发娱乐可以开药方, 大发娱乐可以看到病人真的, a lot of the issues that you're going to call and need to be seen for, 你可以有一个P.A. 看到你. And most patients are really happy with the care that P.A.s are giving, and you can get in, you can get out, and get your needs taken care of.

面试官: So what's the educational difference between a physician's assistant and an actual doctor?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: P.A.S接受过医学模型的训练, work very closely with their supervising physician, 他们有很大的自主权, 大发娱乐接受过训练, it actually came out of a fast track medical model post world war II where they thought about training physicians in a little faster way. 这是教学的一年,也是临床的一年. It's about three academic years, 2,000 clinical hours. 这是一个非常严格的项目.

面试官: So, 在很多情况下, if I have the option of seeing a physician that has say 10 years of experience and a P.A. that has 10 years of experience for kind of a common issue, would the P.A. actually maybe even be better able to handle that because they've seen more of it?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 当然,P.A.s are very well trained and qualified to see patients for quite certainly simple issues, 还有一些复杂的问题. 你会看到P.A.在泌尿科,你会看到P.A.在养老院,你会看到P.A.S在家庭诊所.

面试官: Wow, so even 在专科护理中 there are physician's assistants.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 绝对, 他们在做手术, they're doing absolutely everything that a supervising physician can do.

面试官: 那么区别是什么呢?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 你知道的, 我想就像任何内科医生一样, if you have a need that that provider can't help you with, 他们会推荐你. And 他们会推荐你 to the right person.

面试官: 嗯哼.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: So I think that we're all out there trying to get the patient the proper care that they need. 我当然要去看病人, 如果他们需要看泌尿科医生, I'm going to refer them to that urologist because that's something that I can't necessarily do. 所以我认为P.A.S可以协调护理,他们可以大发娱乐提供护理, 他们正在做所有的事情, 再一次。, with the supervising physician as someone that they can talk to, 向…征求意见. The supervising physician often bounces ideas for their patients off the P.A.

面试官: 确定. I'm going to ask you kind of about a stereotypical question that I believe a lot of people have. 所以作为P.A., why did you decide to stop there and not go on to medical 学校?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 你知道,这是一个几乎每个P.A. 被问. 你在P的面试中被问到这个问题.A. 学校, 你在诊所会被问到这个问题, 很多人说, “嗯, 你将来不会成为一名医生吗?“他们只是假设. And you know, the thing is it's just a great profession. 那么多P.A.S,你问他们,“你想成为一名医生吗?或者你知道,“你在考虑成为一名医生吗??" They're so happy doing what they're doing, you could provide so much care. 如果再来一次,你会是P.A..

面试官: 又来了一遍?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 我猜发生的是, 病人进来, 他们看到你, 你和他们交谈, 他们对这次访问非常满意, 通常它不会再出现.

面试官: 明白了,明白了. 在你的脑海里,什么是P.A. 比当医生好多了?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: Well, I'm not a physician, so I don't know how it would be to be honest.

面试官: 但你知道他们的生活是什么样的.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 我认为是P.A.大发娱乐正处于医学的黄金时期, 那就是, 我总能说, "你知道的, 让大发娱乐找个帮手,你知道吗?, you might end up grabbing your supervising physician, bringing him in the room to see the patient with you. You just feel like you're right in the middle of a really effective team, and I think that makes for a very satisfied patient, 而且是一个非常满意的大发娱乐提供者.

面试官: 在我看来,医疗保健, it's kind of going towards a direction of more team based care if I understand correctly.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 绝对, 问题是, in this country we're going to have a lot of people who have health insurance, 希望, 大发娱乐也面临人口老龄化的问题, and that means that we're going to have to see people. 大发娱乐需要大发娱乐提供获得护理的途径. That's a big part of what's going to have to happen. And so the physician can't do it all, they're going to need help. And I think that one of the things that's really been great is that P.A.s have been able to come in and fill needs in lots of different spaces, 在专科护理中, 在初级保健方面, and I think it's a concept that has worked well for close to 50 years now, 原因在于大发娱乐的团队.

面试官: 所以作为医疗保健的消费者, 如果有人说, “医生不能给你看病, 但大发娱乐可以让你去看医生.A.“我根本不应该担心这个.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: I don't think you should worry about it at all, I love seeing my P.A.我喜欢带我的孩子去看电影.A.我认为大发娱乐大发娱乐提供了很好的护理.

面试官: 我漏掉了什么? Any final thoughts or anything that you would like to add?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: So the bottom line is that research has shown that patients accept and enjoy seeing a P.A. just as much as they like seeing their regular physician, especially if there is a time trade off.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围; the university of Utah health sciences radio.