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You’re spraying your lawn with 除草剂 when a gust of wind blows some of the chemical back into your face and eyes. 你惹了多大的麻烦? Poison Specialist Brad Dahl discusses yard care chemical safety and tells you what to do in case of contact with 肥料, 除草剂和杀虫剂. 他还大发娱乐提供了一些储存技巧,让你和你的家人远离这些物质.


面试官: 除草剂、化肥、杀虫剂. 它们有多危险?? 大发娱乐将在接下来的节目中找到答案.

播音员: Medical news and research from Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围. 现在是春天,很多人都在院子里整理草坪. 如今,除草剂、化肥、杀虫剂常用于草坪上. 大发娱乐要看看他们有多危险. We've got Brad Dahl who's a poison specialist from Utah Poison Control Center in the studio with us today. 布拉德,这些东西有多危险,除草剂,杀虫剂,化肥?

布拉德·达尔: 如果你使用得当,它们真的没有那么危险. 真正的危险是有人可能会不恰当地使用它们, 存放不当, 不正确的混合会使它们太强. Somebody accidentally drink them or a child get into them and then we potentially have a problem.

面试官: 让我来介绍几个人们可能会在皮肤上接触到这些物质的场景. 假设我在外面混合一些液体,我在我的皮肤上得到一些未稀释的产品. 这有多危险??

布拉德·达尔: It's not incredibly dangerous but if it stays on your skin very long it can make it really red and sore.

面试官: 多长时间算长?

布拉德·达尔: 超过10-15分钟就会有化学灼伤的危险.

面试官: 这种燃烧会持续多久?

布拉德·达尔: 那要看情况有多糟了. 可能是几天.

面试官: 真的?

布拉德·达尔: 是的.

面试官: 所以最好的办法就是...

布拉德·达尔: 当你的皮肤沾上什么东西时,把它洗掉. 肥皂和水. 没有什么特别的. When it all comes down to it nothing works better than soap and water for removing a lot of chemicals.

面试官: 肥皂和水,就这么简单. 你会沾到皮肤上的. 用肥皂和水把它洗掉. 你回去工作.

布拉德·达尔: 是正确的.

面试官: 所以你不应该等着想,“我几个小时后要洗个澡?"

布拉德·达尔: 是的. 这是个坏主意. The biggest problem is that these are mostly irritants to the skin and it can cause chemical burns. It's just getting them on the skin and leaving them on so long that they end up with these burns, 这才是真正的问题. 我遇到过很多这样的人,他们最后打电话给我,因为,“哦,这真的很疼. 我现在该怎么办?“在这一点上有点晚了. 就像在炉子上烧伤手指一样. 一旦你做到了,你就做到了.

面试官: When I spray 除草剂 on some of the areas of my lawn I use a lawn sprayer and sometimes we use the lawn sprayer to spray our trees. Let's say I've got some tree spray or some 除草剂 and the wind blows some of that back onto me. 也许它会进入我的眼睛. 也许它会进入我的嘴里. 我惹了多大的麻烦啊?

布拉德·达尔: 就你的嘴而言,这可能不足以引起问题. Certainly if you can taste it very strong you might want to rinse your mouth out with some water. 你不需要肥皂. 水就可以了,吐出来就可以了. 进入你的眼睛也是一样的. 卢克,你应该用温水. A lot of people think you have to rinse your eyes with cold water because when you put cold water in your eye sit feels better because it's numbing the eyes and they think oh wow, 这真的很有大发娱乐. 它也不能把它取出来. 用温水冲洗眼睛.

面试官: 大发娱乐提到了肥料. 大发娱乐一年给草坪施肥一到两次. 例如,在我家,大发娱乐使用颗粒,大发娱乐把它放在草地上. How long before it's safe for my kids to go play on the lawn barefoot or even to just be out on the lawn or for me to go out on the lawn barefoot?

布拉德·达尔: 可能马上就安全了. The big problem with that stuff is again if it gets on your skin and it stays on very long it will make it red and sore. 只要你浇了水,它就溶解了,真的没有太大的风险.

面试官: 如果它以干燥颗粒的形式在那里呢.

布拉德·达尔: 如果你在上面走,也不是什么大问题. I wouldn't recommend barefoot because again it can make your feet sore but it's not a real serious risk.

面试官: 有时大发娱乐会在房子里找一些黄色的夹克,这样他们就会站在屋檐上. We put traps out and stuff but that's never enough to take care of the problem so sometimes I have to get out there and spray the nest down. 比方说,杀虫剂喷到我身上了.

布拉德·达尔: The number one thing when you're using a spray can is to make sure it's pointed in the right direction.

面试官: 显然,是的.

布拉德·达尔: Daily we get people who are spraying it directly into their face because they're not paying attention to which way the sprayer was pointed. 这是最重要的. If the wind is blowing always try to stay upwind of where you're spraying that would be the smart thing to do. 再一次。, 如果你在皮肤上涂了足够多的水,你能感觉到它是湿的, 用肥皂和水把它洗掉. 如果你能尝出它的味道,就在. 这应该不是什么大问题.

面试官: 杀虫剂对孩子有多危险? 比方说,一个孩子看到人行道上有蚂蚁之类的东西,就跑进了车库, 抓起一罐杀虫剂, goes out there and tries to spray the ants and doesn't have the sprayer pointed in the right direction and sprays it on his face or gets it on his hand.

布拉德·达尔: 这是一个很好的问题. 如果你在商店里买的是预混的,可能会很安全. 它不是用来伤害人的,而是用来杀死小得多的昆虫的. The poisons that are used in these things, the insects are much more sensitive to them than we are. 大发娱乐的身体会很快分解它们,所以它们对大发娱乐来说并不那么危险. A lot of times there's more chemicals in there to get the stuff in the solution that are actually more irritating to us than the actual pesticide is. 如果孩子在玩耍时沾上了它,你要尽快洗掉. If they get it in their mouth it's better just to give them something to drink than to try and wash a two year olds mouth out. 他们吞下的量还不足以在那一点上伤害他们. 你只是不想让它在他们嘴里呆着,所以给他们弄点好喝的. People often wonder what's the best thing to give my kid to drink when they eat something that's bad for them. 我的回答是,他们随便喝什么都行. 所以,如果他们不喜欢喝水,就不要给他们水. +, usually these things taste nasty and if you give them water it's going to still taste nasty and they won't want to drink that. 给他们一些好吃的东西. 他们非常喜欢的东西,你不必付出太多. 有些人认为瓶子上写着我必须喝88盎司. 不,你不需要. 你只需要给足够的量把它推到胃里. So, a couple of good swallows is fine and we never want to force fluids on a little kid because we don't want them to gag and we don't want them to throw up.

面试官: 你为什么不想让他们呕吐呢?

布拉德·达尔: 因为所有这些东西对肠道都没有那么危险. 同样,口腔和喉咙组织的接触时间是敏感组织. 大发娱乐更希望它下到胃,然后从那里继续下去. If you bring it back sometimes kids will gag and a little bit will go into their lungs and that's a real problem. 大发娱乐不希望它在那里. 当然,他们的嘴会更难受. 最好还是让他们喝点酒,再小声点.

面试官: 在我看来是这三件事, 除草剂, 肥料, and insecticide are pretty safe to use if you're using them as directed and you're following instruction and you're not over-concentrating them but the thing you really want to be concerned about is avoiding accidental contact so especially with kids so keeping stuff where they're not going to get it, 首先. 当你使用它的时候,要戴上防护装备.

布拉德·达尔: 是的. 这总是一个好主意. 人们喜欢在夏天不穿衬衫出门. 短. 没有鞋子. 他们身上都是东西,这是我经常接到的电话. 我现在在房子里, 我已经洗过澡了,现在我的脚真的很痛,而且我喷了一整天的东西. 到那个时候,做任何事情都太晚了.

面试官: 有没有过这样的情况:有人打电话来取肥料, insecticide or 除草剂 on themselves or ingested it to the degree that you've actually recommended a medical intervention?

布拉德·达尔: 是的. We've had people that have had the concentrated solutions and they for whatever reason had it in a container that was not the original container, 不是喷雾器,有人抢过来把它当成饮料喝了. 大发娱乐不得不让他们去做评估. 发生. 同样,把东西留在原来的容器里. Make sure if you use a sprayer that it's marked appropriately so people know what's in it so there's no mystery about it. Never use old beverage containers to store things in your garage because somebody is going to come by. You might know what's in there but you'd be surprised how many people come into other people's garages and go, “嘿, 有一种运动饮料. 我想我要喝一点,结果发现是杀虫剂.

面试官: If you use these things correctly and keep them in their normal containers and you just use a little bit of common sense you're probably not going to get yourself into trouble with either of these things.

布拉德·达尔: 这是辉煌的. 我只能说这么多了. 才华横溢的.

播音员: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 这是Scope. 犹他大学健康科学电台.