How Best to Help Drowning Victims

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How Best to Help Drowning Victims


What would you do if you spotted someone at the bottom of a pool and a lifeguard wasn’t on duty? Learn the emergency procedures from ER doctor 斯科特·扬奎斯特. He describes the dos and don’ts of getting someone to breathe again.


面试官: The pool covers are starting to come off the pool. It's time to think about drowning and drowning safety. We'll talk about that next on 范围. Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialist you can use for a happier and healthier life. 你在听瞄准镜. Have you ever thought for a second what would you do if somebody was drowning? I mean what would you do after you got them out of the water and back up on the pool deck? We're going to find out right now with Dr. 斯科特·扬奎斯特. He's in the emergency department here at 大发娱乐. Drowning, somebody drowns, the get their lungs filled with water. 你把他们拉到甲板上. 那么?

Dr. 扬奎斯特: Bring them up and lay them on a flat surface, hard surface and if they're not breathing on their own begin CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: There are some groups that actually recommend doing the Heimlich maneuver. 大发娱乐不建议这么做.

面试官: 有趣的.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: And the idea being that maybe you can force some water out of their lungs by doing the Heimlich maneuver which is basically applying a firm upward thrust to upper abdomen. And it works great if you've choked on a piece of chicken or something like that, but there's no evidence that it benefits patients whose lungs are full of water. It kind of makes sense that it wouldn't work as well because you've just got this column of water that you're pushing on. There's not really anything behind it, sort of like a piece of chicken that's got an airbag behind it.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: And patients need immediate oxygenation and circulation of blood so the recommendation is that you begin CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The other consideration though is that if the patient has dived into the pool and struck the bottom, and if the drowning is caused by a spinal injury then you want to be careful not to manipulate the neck too much while you're performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. So that's why we say lay them out on a flat surface. Try not to move them while help arrives. Have somebody call 911 and begin CPR.

面试官: 第一,打911.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: 是的.

面试官: Number two, if they're not breathing, CPR.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: 是的,人工呼吸.

面试官: 口对口. Because I thought that the current standard was you didn't do the mouth-to-mouth anymore.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: 这是正确的. In all cases except for causes of respiratory arrest. So if somebody's drowned then we'd begin mouth-to- mouth resuscitation in addition to CPR. It's one of those special cases.

面试官: 让你. Does that help clear the water out? I mean what happened to that water? 我从来没想过这个.

Dr. Yongquist: 是的. The idea is that some of that water is going to be absorbed into your circulation. Some of it they're going to choke back up. And the idea is you're trying to ventilate any unfilled parts of the lung, segments of the lung so that you can get some oxygenation in there. 有足够的气道压力, a lot of times it comes up and either goes down the back of their throat or it'll be coughed out of the mouth.

面试官: 让你. But nothing you can actively do other than just providing CPR with mouth-to-mouth.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: 是的. The CPR will also drive some water out of the lungs as well.

面试官: OK. And then other than that, that sounds like about it, huh?

Dr. 扬奎斯特: 是的,等待救援. There's nothing else you can do.

面试官: 好吧. You bring up an interesting point, and it is the last question. So if they did hit their head on the bottom, are there any consideration actually getting them up and out of the pool or is the goal at that point just get them up and out of the pool.

Dr. 扬奎斯特: 是的. The goal is pretty much to get them out to do CPR as quickly as possible. If you can be careful about manipulating the neck. But the number one priority is getting them oxygenation and circulation restarted so whatever you have to do to get them out of the pool to a place where you can begin to perform resuscitation, that's the number one priority.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围, the University of Utah's Health Sciences radio.