Accounting for Differences in Sex, Gender Make 研究 More Accurate

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Accounting for Differences in Sex, Gender Make 研究 More Accurate


Recent evidence has revealed flaws in past research based on sex and gender. Jean Shipman, Spencer S. 埃克尔斯健康科学图书馆 talks about new research that looks at differences in sex and gender. 从药物剂量到手术器械, sex and gender are being re-examined as important factors to be included in future medical research.


面试官: 男人和女人是非常不同的. 没有人会反驳这一点, 但直到最近, 在研究人员看来, 它们完全一样,这是个问题. 大发娱乐接下来会在瞄准镜上讨论这个问题.

播音员: Medical news and research from University Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: It might shock you to find out that when it comes to research, 很多时候, 女性 aren't even considered in research and we're going to find out more about that now from Jean Shipman. 她是斯宾塞S的主管. 埃克尔斯健康科学图书馆. Let's talk a little bit about this what is it called, gender bias in research?

吉恩·希普曼: 研究中的性别和性别差异.

面试官: 好吧. 解释一下这是什么意思.

吉恩·希普曼: 嗯,当然,性和性别. Sex指的是男性或女性, 两者的生物学差异, 性别更多的是指你认同谁. So you can be male, but have more feminine tendency or desire or understanding of the world. 所以, 最近, 研究人员 are becoming more aware that there is a need to look at these populations differently.

面试官: 好吧. 给我一个具体的例子.

吉恩·希普曼: 是的, let's say I'm a researcher and I'm looking at the population. 大多数情况下,我指的是男性群体. 在历史文学中,这是被记录下来的人. 现在, I need to pay attention that there are differences physiologically between men and 女性 and it could affect dosage, 它会影响药物的生理吸收, 但大发娱乐必须认识到其中的区别.

面试官: So wasn't there a story on 60 Minutes recently about this very thing?

吉恩·希普曼: 有. It was Ambien, the common drug is diagnosed, they found, double the dosage for 女性. 谁知道呢?, but they found out that everyone was being given the same dosage, 但在女性中,这一比例是男性的两倍, 所以他们被加倍服用.

面试官: 如果我理解正确的话, 他们只是看着, 你给每个体重这么多, 而这一切都是基于男性, 但实际上女性的处理方式不同, 所以这是不准确的.

吉恩·希普曼: 完全.

面试官: 和 I'd imagine that happens in a lot of other instances as well.

吉恩·希普曼: I'm sure we're just starting to uncover how often that's happened.

面试官: 是的. 哇. 那么,这项研究真的那么广泛吗, 所以当大发娱乐研究任何健康问题时, 大多数情况下,大发娱乐只关注男性?

吉恩·希普曼: 好吧, 我认为在研究设计中, 人们被要求观察各种各样的对象——男人, 女性, 孩子们, 和文档, 但当你真正观察组织或标本时, 我认为男性纸巾已经被用过了,而女性纸巾用得并不多. 和, 也, I think we're seeing that 女性's needs are very different as far as the healthcare that they receive.
另一个例子是开发医疗设备. 用外科订书机, who knew that there would need to be a difference between men and 女性, 但女性的压力较小...

面试官: 是的,比如手的力量.

吉恩·希普曼: 是的,手的力量...

面试官: 而且很多时候手都更小.

吉恩·希普曼: 完全. So they have difficulty getting the stapler to work in surgeries and yet more 女性 are becoming surgeons, so. 大发娱乐需要考虑到这种差异.

面试官: 哇. 这有点令人震惊,不是吗? 之前没人这么做过,所以...

吉恩·希普曼: 是的.

面试官: 你得到了国家卫生研究院的资助. Tell us a little bit about that grant and what it hopes to do.

吉恩·希普曼: 确定. The Office of 研究 of Women's Health and the National Library of Medicine have recognized this need to encourage more 研究人员 to think about the differences between men and 女性 and gender differences. So they have solicited about ten libraries across the country and given us subcontract money to make our university personnel a lot more familiar with this issue.

面试官: 是的.

吉恩·希普曼: 和 we've gotten two rounds of funding and we've looked at social media as a mechanism for making people more aware of this need and the differential research. 大发娱乐看了视频. We're looking at the podcast that we're doing today as a way to educate people about the importance of this. 大发娱乐还将于9月在校园里举行一次研讨会.

面试官: 好吧 and all the goal is to just get people to start thinking, 研究人员, 具体地说, 开始从性别的角度思考问题, 不是性.

吉恩·希普曼: 或两个.

面试官: 或两个.

吉恩·希普曼: 是的. The idea that you do need to account for the physiological as well as the social, 经济, 文化差异.

面试官: 是的, that, that there are differences, just to be aware of that. 最终,这个项目的目标是什么? What do you hope would come out of it at the end of the day?

吉恩·希普曼: The ultimate goal would be everybody I talk to would understand that there is a need to think about these two things differently. Personally, I didn't realize the difference between sex and gender until getting this contract money.

面试官: 你是个女人. 你应该...

吉恩·希普曼: 我知道.

面试官: ...对这个更敏感,对吧?

吉恩·希普曼: 我知道. I had the inkling that we weren't be represented equally but let me just say that it did surprise me that sex was biological and gender was more of a cultural.

面试官: 是的.

吉恩·希普曼: 我总是听到他们互相交换, 如果你看一下文献, 很多时候,它被误解为是一体的, 事实并非如此, so.

面试官: So I think an important thing is if you are a researcher, you now know a little bit better. If you're not a researcher, you know somebody that is, share this podcast with them. 和 you're just looking for at, first for a paradigm change.

吉恩·希普曼: 正确的.

面试官: 只是开始考虑一下.

吉恩·希普曼: 和, as a consumer, I would say you could ask your doctor, "好吧, you know, I am a woman. Does this make a difference in how I should be taking this medication that you're treating me with,或者你知道, 问这个问题的时候要自信一点.

面试官: 是的. 我想我只是在笼统地谈论它...

吉恩·希普曼: 正确的.

面试官: ...是个好主意吗.

吉恩·希普曼: 正确的. 我想大发娱乐会在越来越多的新闻中看到这方面的报道. 我知道 NIH is starting to require 研究人员 include tissue samples from 女性 as well as men in their basic science studies. 所以会有更多的政府, 种, 支持, of encouragement of this use of the difference in the terms.

面试官: 谁知道妇女仍然受到歧视? We thought we thought we got past this whole thing didn't we?

吉恩·希普曼: 我想大发娱乐还有很长的路要走. 但, but I'm pleased to hear that there is more awareness being built about this and that libraries, 特别是, were addressed as a unit that could be the educators within their universities, 保持中立和中心.

面试官: 和 because you have a contact with a lot of 研究人员 that use you as a resource.

吉恩·希普曼: 完全, and that we can help to shape the evidence of the future.
播音员: We're you're daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. 这是Scope. 犹他大学健康科学电台.