The Seven Domains of Women’s Health: Emotional Health

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The Seven Domains of Women’s Health: Emotional Health


Anger, sadness, and anxiety are signals of your emotional wellness. 听Dr。. Kirtly Jones probes the boundaries of Emotional Health, which has been identified as one of the Seven Domains of Women’s Health. Take the quiz to discover where you are on the emotional wellness spectrum. Dr. Jones suggests some simple activities to bolster your positive emotions and improve your overall sense of well-being.


Dr. 琼斯: 你生气了吗?? 你难过吗?? 你焦虑吗?? If you can say yes to any of these, does it mean you're not well emotionally? What does it mean to be emotionally healthy and how does it fit into the seven domains of health that create an overall sense of well being? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Utah Health Care, 今天, we're talking about what it means to be emotionally healthy on 范围.

播音员: Medical news and research from University Utah physicians and specialists you can use, 为了更快乐更健康的生活. 您正在收听的是范围.

Dr. 琼斯: Women have told us that their sense of personal health goes beyond their blood pressure and their mammogram. They tell us things like, "You're only as happy as your least happy child." They tell us they feel their emotions in a physical way. They tell us that some of their physical symptoms may because of stress. 好吧, wellness can be sorted into the seven domains: physical health, 情绪健康, 社会健康, 健康知识, 财务状况, 精神健康. Today, on 范围, we're going to talk about what it means to be emotionally healthy. You can feel happy, sad, anxious, and angry, and be emotionally healthy.

Being emotionally healthy means being aware of your emotions and how they affect you and others. 它意味着关注你的思想, 和感受, 和行为 whether they're positive or negative. It implies the ability to accept our feelings rather than deny them. Being emotionally healthy means that you take a positive attitude about your ability to acknowledge your emotions. You feel that you can make choices and decisions based on a synthesis of your feelings, 的想法, 和行为, rather than behaving in an immediate and reactive way to your emotions. Being emotionally healthy means you can take on challenges and take risks, and recognize conflict as being potentially healthy. 这对女性来说尤其困难, 谁可能在文化上被教导说, “是的,,其实他们的意思是“不”."

情感健康意味着适应力强, bouncing back in the face of personal and family trials and sadness, 认识到糟糕的时刻会到来, 坏事发生了, but that you have the emotional stability to return to equanimity. So a lot of medical focus on 情绪健康 in the past 50 years has been on psychological disease, 诊断与治疗. 这很重要, 但在过去的20年里, some have focused on what it means to be emotionally well. What are the characteristics of people who are emotionally well, and what can be done to make people more than not sick?

The path to emotional wellness may involve awareness of 的想法 和感受. Using a positive attitude and recognizing your signature strengths, seeking support and expressing emotions in a suitable manor, 设置优先级, 接受错误并从中吸取教训. So, do you want to evaluate your own emotional wellness with a brief quiz? Number one, am I able to recognize my emotional states and how it affects me and those around me? Two, am I able to maintain a balance of work, family, friends, and other obligations? 第三,我有办法减轻生活中的压力吗? Four, am I able to make decisions with a minimum of stress and worry. 第五,我能不能分清轻重缓急?

现在, 如果你真的对情感健康感兴趣, and where you fall compared to other people of your sex and age and geographic location, people from New York City may respond differently to a questionnaire than people from Iowa, take some time and Google "authentic happiness University of Pennsylvania.“这个网站, 来自宾夕法尼亚大学, 是一个更大的研究项目的一部分吗, 教, 评估积极心理学的研究领域. 现在 there are some very specific activities that can increase your sense of emotional well being, 经过严格的科学研究, 前瞻性随机试验. 试试其中的两个. One, write down, every day at bedtime, three things that went well and why. 第二,积极感恩. Think of someone who has done something for you, that you haven't thanked recently. Write 300 words of thanks to this person and deliver it personally, out loud or in writing. 现在开始.

亲爱的斯科特, 《大发娱乐》的制片人是谁, 少于300字, I am grateful for this opportunity to talk about something that has gone well today. Thanks so much for letting me talk about the seven domains of health, and for making me and my voice sound better than they really are. And thanks to you, listener, for joining us on the Scope.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is the Scope, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.

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