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Refills for e-cigarettes that smell and taste sweet present a potentially fatal risk to children. Dr. Zane 霍洛维茨 from the Utah Poison Control Center deals with this increasingly common form of poisoning. These concentrated nicotine vials are currently unregulated and accidental poisonings are skyrocketing. 他讨论了症状、治疗和常识性预防.


面试官: 你可能认为电子烟比传统香烟更安全, 但你知道在2014年, poison control centers in the United States received up to 215 calls per month about e-cigarette poisoning? 这就是下一期《大发娱乐》.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier, 健康的生活. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 我正在和医生谈话. 今天是赞恩·霍洛维茨. 他是犹他大学中毒控制中心的医学主任. Dr. 霍洛维茨, I read something from the Center for Disease Control recently about the rise in poison control center calls regarding poisoning from e-cigarettes. 这是怎么回事?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: Well it's not so much the cigarettes themselves but the refillable cartridge where you put the liquid that you vape, in. 现在香烟里的尼古丁含量变化很大. 口味很美味,对孩子们很有吸引力, 泡泡糖, 樱桃, 还有这些水果味的. A few sips of that will deliver sometimes as much as anywhere from on the low side 10 milligrams of nicotine all the way up to 200 to 400 milligrams of nicotine. 从这个角度来看, 当大发娱乐抽一根烟的时候, 这可以产生大约1毫克的尼古丁.

So a child who accidentally takes the top off this and smells it and it smells nice and fruity, 尝一尝,真的很好吃, 然后喝一两口, he's getting the equivalent of maybe 200 or more cigarettes delivered all at once. 他会病得很重的. The poison centers nationwide and here in Utah have been receiving increasing number of calls as these products have grown on the market. People are having these out on the kitchen table and the coffee table in the living room, 所以孩子们会伸出手来. 喝了一小口, and all of a sudden they're vomiting and they're sick and they have to go into the emergency room to be treated.

面试官: I guess maybe we need to go back and talk a little bit about e-cigarettes to begin with. 告诉我电子烟是什么以及人们是如何使用它的.

Dr. 霍洛维茨: “e”代表电子. 很多时候它们看起来像香烟或雪茄, 尽管有时它们看起来像其他物体. 有一个可以放液体的长腔, 这种液体主要含有尼古丁, 但它可以调味,也可以有其他的东西在里面. 有一个小加热器加热并产生蒸汽. You inhale it just like a cigarette and you just get the vapor of nicotine without all that other smoke, 那些燃烧的烟叶会让你闻起来像烟灰缸. So it's reasonably odorless, although they tend to have a fruity odor about them. 当那部分被烧掉, you take a refill out of your pocket or wherever you have it and you fill up that little chamber again so you can keep on vaping, 是这个术语.

面试官: 最近疾控中心发布了一份报告,早在2010年就指出了这一点, 中毒控制中心大约每个月接到一个关于电子烟的电话. 2014年,他们每个月接到多达215个电话. 这是一个相当惊人的飞跃,你不觉得吗?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 正确的. 几乎每个月都在上涨, 月复一月, as more and more of these products are sold and they're in people's homes and they're where children are. 目前因为没有任何规定, 这些液体中有多少是未知的. There's no safety cap as there would be with a medicine bottle or an automotive product. Other consumer products that we have around the house that we know can be dangerous to children often have some sort of cap that the child can't take off easily. And it's usually the exploratory 1 or 2 year old child who's learning how to manipulate things and pulls it off that and it smells delicious and they stick in their mouth and it tastes delicious and they drink a gulp. 这并不需要太多. 这可能是关键所在. 对儿童来说,一口就会中毒.

面试官: And you're talking specifically about the flavored liquid that goes inside of these e-cigarettes.

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 正确的.

面试官: 容器是什么样子的?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 它们看起来就像一个小滴管. So far there aren't giant companies making these yet, so a lot of these are home grown little stores. They buy a little plastic bottle with a little screw top on it and you pour that little screw top or an eye dropper full into your chamber of your e-cigarette and put the cap back on. 用不了四分之一圈的时间就能把盖子拧下来, and that's easy for a child of 1 or 2 years old to manipulate and they have access to it.

面试官: 疾控中心主任, 汤姆·弗里登, actually mentioned that these e-cigarette liquids are not required to be childproof.

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 目前对此还没有任何规定. 大发娱乐正在考虑这个问题. 我认为大发娱乐必须采取一种非常理性的常识性方法. The simplest thing is obviously make these things childproof like we've made medicine bottles, 汽车产品, 还有一些有毒的家用清洁剂. 这是第一件大事. 然后我认为曝光的数量会下降.

The second thing is just educating parents and uncles and aunts and whoever else is going to be visiting with little children, 运用一些常识. Don't put this out on the table and have your 2-year-old watch you pull it out and spill it in your little chamber of the e-cigarette and sit there vaping. 他们都会看着它说:“哇. 那看起来像一个很酷的小玩具,我现在可以玩了." Then you put it back on the counter or the table and they're going to take it apart and try to figure it out for themselves because that's what kids do.

面试官: 如果孩子吃了这个,会有什么症状?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 通常他们会恶心和呕吐. 有时他们会反反复复地呕吐. 对于一个小孩子来说,它们很快就会脱水. 但是数量很大, 就像我说的,这些浓度有时相当于200支香烟, 这可能是致命的. 如果一个孩子服用了这些浓缩液体,他可能会死亡, 一些商店也在卖, 高浓度, 本来是要被吸电子烟的人稀释的. 如果孩子喝了几口,就会癫痫发作. 他们可能会有心律失常, 他们的心脏跳动非常不规律, 在严重的情况下, 如果他们吃得够多的话, 他们可能会死.

Most of the things we're seeing are the lower concentrations, but there's no labeling. 大发娱乐不知道任何产品中有多少, and the size of these can vary from a tiny little dropper size to something that looks like a soda bottle size.

面试官: 这些症状需要多长时间才会出现?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 通常很快,通常在几分钟内. 通常在五到十分钟内大发娱乐就会看到一些东西. 孩子会开始呕吐,出汗,感觉很痛苦.

面试官: 假设他们被注射了非常大的剂量,其中一种可能是致命的. 孩子在死亡前需要多长时间接受治疗?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 如果有人不小心喝了这种高浓度的东西, we would probably advise parents to call 911 and have an ambulance drive them to the hospital.

面试官: 低剂量中毒, do you still recommend that parents take their children into the emergency room, 或者你对他们有什么建议?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 我想如果有一点意外的味道或舔, 他们当然可以一天24小时给解毒中心打电话. 大发娱乐有经过培训的护士和药剂师, 大发娱乐已经向所有人汇报过了, 他们可以谈论每个事件的细节. So if it's a small amount and the child's not having immediate nausea and vomiting, 大发娱乐也许不必送你去医院或看医生. 大发娱乐会给你回电话,看看你怎么样了.

面试官: Can you just tell us the number to the Poison Control Center for parents that might be interested to know that?

Dr. 霍洛维茨: 是的. 这是通用的800号码. 无论你在哪个州,它都会把你送到你所在州的中毒中心. 这是1-800-222-1222. 24 hours a day that phone will be answered live by our poison information specialists and they're very happy to talk to you. 没有问题是微不足道的, whether it's e-cigarettes or any other product that your child might get into at home.

面试官: 好吧. 谢谢你!.