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Accessing Your Medical Records During Travel

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Accessing Your Medical Records During Travel

Nov 18, 2014

你知道当你在旅行中遇到紧急情况时可以查看你的医疗记录吗? Dr. Tom Miller and Dr. 迈克·斯特朗将为大发娱乐带来最新的记录共享方式,以及政府将如何统一每个人的医疗信息. From smart phone apps to digital X-rays and beyond, Drs. 米勒和斯特朗研究了医学信息学的全球转型.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Miller: 你正在旅行,却发现自己在另一个城市的急诊室里, 你如何从你住的地方的医生那里获得你的医疗记录? This is Dr. Tom Miller and I'm going to talk about that next.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Dr. Miller: Hi, I'm here with Dr. Mike Strong是犹他大学的首席医学信息官. Mike what about when you're in another city, you get sick, you need care, how can you get access to your doctor's records?

Dr. Strong: There's a couple of different ways that that's done. Some are easy; some are a little more difficult. 如果你去的医院恰好在同一个电子病历系统上, so for example here at the University of Utah, 大发娱乐与一家名为Epic的公司合作,为大发娱乐制作电子病历. 全国很多医院也在使用Epic. 如果你在一家拥有Epic的医院,他们可以即时访问,他们可以看到整个记录. They can see everything that they need to see. 如果你所在的医院有不同的电子病历, 那么大发娱乐确实有办法通过互联网发送这些信息.

Dr. Miller:大发娱乐在办公室里使用纸质图表的时代相比,这是非常先进的, it would be literally impossible to get that information.

Dr. Strong: Oh yeah. In the days of paper records you'd have to fax information. That would take, you know, someone having to go down, actually find the chart, figure out what part of the chart to send, then fax it.

Dr. Miller: So let's say I'm in Hawaii. 我去游泳,我被一个大水母蜇了,然后我觉得很痛苦. So I end up at the local ED. How do they get hold of my record? What do I need to tell them?

Dr. Strong: So you just need to tell them what hospital you're cared at. They can contact us; find out what system we're on.

Dr. Miller: So they could contact University of Utah at any time?

Dr. Strong: Any time. 大发娱乐的医疗记录人员可以将这些信息以电子方式发送给他们,如果他们也有一个可以接受的系统.

Dr. Miller: Would there be a number that our patients could use? A phone number or an email address that they could contact?

Dr. Strong: They would just call the hospital operator, our general number, 然后找医疗记录部门,他们能帮上忙.

Dr. Miller: 大发娱乐的总机号码是801-581-2121,他们可以找病历科. That's staffed 24/7 right?

Dr. Strong: Absolutely. 另一个好处是大发娱乐的电子病历有一个病人入口, and that actually is available just through a smartphone app. 不可否认,它没有完整的医疗记录,但它有...

Dr. Miller: That's great. It has pertinent things in it doesn't it?

Dr. Strong: ...oh it has some very pertinent things. So it has their medication list, it has their allergies. It has their problem list.

Dr. Miller: Problem list.

Dr. Strong: 所有这些都可以在他们的智能手机上使用, 他们可以向医生展示他们的位置.

Dr. Miller: So when they're in the ED the one they could do... they could either pull it up on their app if they have an app.

Dr. Strong: Yep.

Dr. Miller: And I'll ask you how they'll obtain that app in a minute. But they could also pull up their Mychart site, 哪个是他们进入诊所医生医疗记录的入口, by typing into the Internet.

Dr. Strong: Absolutely. That'd be an easy way to do it. 这会给医生大发娱乐提供大量有价值的重要信息.

Dr. Miller: 以及患者如何注册应用程序或门户网站?

Dr. Strong: So, any time a patient comes to one of our clinics, all they have to do is say that they want to be signed up. 大发娱乐给他们一个激活码,然后他们上网或者去应用商店下载应用. Put in the activation code, that's it.

Dr. Miller: 病人在国外旅行有什么办法吗, you know, China maybe, Taiwan, some place like that, to have a file, like a PDF file on a flash drive?

Dr. Strong: Yeah. 如果他们在旅行,他们想要携带他们的医疗记录的重要部分. 他们所要做的就是到卫生信息部门来, and they could get a copy of their medical record, and put it onto a flash drive and carry that with them.

Dr. Miller: Now let's turn it around a little bit. 假设我在另一个城市,最后我需要拍x光片. 也许我得了肺炎,我去看别人,他们拍了胸部x光片. I end up back home, would the facility that had the x-rays done, 他们能把这些电子邮件发送到大发娱乐的设施吗? How does that work?

Dr. Strong: They do. We actually have system here SeeMyRadiology. 这是一项大发娱乐订阅的服务,它允许大发娱乐连接到几乎任何其他设施,并让他们向大发娱乐发送数字图像.

Dr. Miller: How would that occur? What does the patient need to do? 病人需要做些什么吗?或者当病人在诊所的时候医生可以上网做这些吗?

Dr. Strong: Actually our radiology department helps facilitate that, so it's just like any kind of a records request. 他们会联系做x光检查的机构并提出要求.

Dr. Miller: 对病人和医生来说,这一切都有什么问题呢?

Dr. Strong: Well right now the biggest area is a breakdown...有各种不同的电子医疗记录供应商. And right now...

Dr. Miller: 就像过去的铁路一样,他们有不同轨距的铁路,他们都在自己的平台上运行,他们之间不互相交流.

Dr. Strong: Exactly and they don't all talk to each other. And so that's where some of the difficulty comes. 好消息是,联邦政府已经强制要求每个单独的供应商开发与任何其他供应商通信的能力. And, 你知道,大发娱乐还需要几年的时间才能在全国范围内全面实施, but it's coming.

Dr. Miller: So one, 在我看来,大多数在大发娱乐看病的病人都是这样, 所有在大发娱乐看病的病人都应该注册进入电子医疗记录的入口. 因此,如果他们在旅行,他们可以调出他们的医疗历史的重要部分, which would include allergies, and drugs, 还有问题清单,供医生参考是否需要这样做. 他们可以在网上,在急诊科,或医生的办公室,无论他们在哪里. That's one. 其次,他们也可以在智能手机上安装一个应用程序来进入门户.

Dr. Strong: Absolutely. It's really very easy.

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