How Pregnancy and Your Menstrual Cycle Can Affect Your Oral Health

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How Pregnancy and Your Menstrual Cycle Can Affect Your Oral Health


Even before puberty, girls’ mouths are different than boys’. Some women might notice their gums swell and bleed more during certain times of their menstrual cycle. Dr. Kirtly Jones talks about how estrogen and other hormones can affect oral health. In this podcast she talks about why that is and what that means for your oral health, 尤其是在怀孕和更年期.


Dr. 琼斯: 大发娱乐都知道女人的嘴和男人的不一样. 她们动得更多,还涂口红. 但在口红内部,有重要的区别. 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from Obstetrics and Gynecology at University Health Care and we are talking about women and oral health today on 范围.

播音员: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is The Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones在Scope上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: 女性的荷尔蒙与男性不同. 女性怀孕. 女性经历更年期. And some autoimmune diseases are more common in women than men. Of course, these are only a few of the differences between men and women. But all of these factors can affect teeth and the skin inside your mouth called the oral mucosa. Let's think a little more about how these factors affect women's oral health and what should we do about it.

一个, 男孩和女孩都会经历青春期, but the estrogen and progesterone that are part of puberty in girls causes increased blood flow to the oral mucosa. This may cause swelling and greater reaction to irritation caused by food particles. An 11-year-old girl can have perfectly fine teeth and gums even though she is not religious about brushing and flossing. After puberty, though, these bad dental habits may lead to swollen and bleeding gums. Hormones may also cause changes in the normal bacteria in the mouth.

那么该怎么办呢?? At the time that kids are the least likely to listen to you, 你需要告诉他们刷牙和使用牙线. You might remind them that the red, swollen gums are unattractive and can cause bad breath. That might get their attention and it might get your girl on the program. If your daughter hasn't been to the dentist or the hygienist recently, 也许青春期是做检查的好时机.

Two, the same changes in the gums that happen in puberty can be exacerbated in the menstrual cycle. So some women notice more gum swelling in certain times of their cycle and some viruses like oral herpes or other oral ulcers may be more common just before the period. These actually may be flattened out in women who use hormonal birth control because it blocks the ups and downs of hormones, 但这只是题外话.

三个, pregnancy and the high estrogen hormones that causes even more swelling of the gums and bleeding gums is caused by gingivitis and it happens in about 60 to 75% of pregnant women. For some women the food they eat as part of their food cravings like sweets and ice cream before bedtime, 睡觉前不要刷牙和使用牙线, 会导致口腔健康的改变吗. Brushing and flossing are even more important in pregnancy as gingivitis and poor oral health causes inflammation throughout the body and is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth. 我知道, the last thing you want to do before you go to bed is belly up your big tummy to the sink, 刷牙,用牙线, 但你必须去争取. And if the problem is more than you can handle, you should see your dentist.

四个, menopause is when the ovaries stop making so many hormones so your mouth should get better, 正确的? 好吧, at menopause women suffer more than men of the same age from something called xerostomia; starts with an X as in xeriscape or dry gardening. 口干症这个词的意思是口干. This can be just annoying or it can cause a burning sensation, 失去味觉, as well as needing to drink fluids all the time with the consequent potty trips. 如果这发生在你身上, 可能只是更年期, 也可能是其他一些疾病,包括糖尿病, 也可能是你的药物.

和你的临床医生和牙医谈谈. There are some simple things to help: avoid alcohol, caffeine, sodas, alcohol-based mouthwashes. 牙医可以建议一些治疗方法, but it is important that you brush and floss regularly because having less moisture in your mouth means your teeth and gums aren't naturally rinsed as often. Sugarless lozenges that stimulate the salivary glands can be helpful.

最后, there are some autoimmune diseases that are more common in women than men that can affect the skin of the mouth. Sjogren's syndrome specifically causes dry eyes and dry mouth. This disease is more common as women age so it's hard for you to know what might be going on if you're suffering from dry eyes and dry mouth, 这两种情况在绝经后更常见. So you should bring up your symptoms with your clinician and they can help figure it out and give you some tips.

所以女士们, 小心那张漂亮的嘴, take care of yourself and stay tuned as we'll be talking more about women and dental health in the future Scope radio sessions.

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