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Understanding Uterine Anomalies

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Understanding Uterine Anomalies

Mar 17, 2016

二十分之一的女性会有某种子宫畸形. 大多数人直到怀孕出现并发症才意识到自己有这种情况. On this episode of “The Seven Domains of Women’s Health,” Dr. Kirtly Jones speaks about uterine anomalies: What they are, how they impact women, 以及治疗和治疗子宫异常的可行方法.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Jones: When is a human uterus like a horse or a cat uterus? Well, it's not, except when it is. This is Dr. 来自犹他健康大学妇产科的Kirtly Jones今天大发娱乐将在Scope上讨论子宫异常.

Announcer: 涵盖妇女健康的所有方面,这是妇女健康的七个领域. Kirtly Jones on The Scope.

Uterus Anatomy

Dr. Jones: 人类子宫的形状有点像灯泡,老式的那种. The metal part at the bottom is the cervix, 是什么让子宫固定在骨盆里,让婴儿留在里面. The bulb part is the actual uterus. 灯泡里面是胎儿生长的子宫腔,它的形状通常像一个倒扣的三角形. 三角形顶部的两个角指向输卵管,一个角指向子宫颈. 子宫腔像信封一样平坦,直到里面充满了胎儿.

What Is a Uterine Anomaly (or Abnormality)?

Congenital uterine anomalies, 子宫畸形胎儿发育过程中发生的子宫畸形, are common. 大约百分之五的女性,也就是二十分之一,会有某种子宫畸形. 尽管许多女性的子宫形状有点不正常,但她们可能永远不会知道或有任何问题. Some uterine shapes can cause recurrent miscarriages or premature births or infertility.

Rarely, about one in 5,000, 女性有两个子宫,两个服务和两个阴道,大约千分之一的女性没有子宫, no cervix, and no vagina. Understanding how the uterus develops is helpful here. 在人类和哺乳动物的发育过程中,骨盆中有两条管道连接在一起. 这两根管子在下端融合在一起,两根管子的中间融化,形成一个子宫腔和一个子宫颈,两个输卵管在顶部.

这在视频上比在音频上效果更好. So let's do an experiment. Imagine yourself taking two foam tubes, one in each hand. The kind of floppy foam tubes. So you're holding these foam tubes, 你把你的手放在一起,你手中的泡沫管在这些管的下部融合在一起,上面的部分在侧面有点软. 这些是输卵管,它们融合在一起,形成了子宫.

Now if that fusion doesn't happen normally, if you got those two foam tubes in your hands, you get to uteruses and two cervices. 如果完全融合并溶解,你的双手就会合在一起,你就没有子宫或子宫颈了. If it fuses but doesn't dissolve completely, 你可以有一个有两个角的Y形子宫,或者子宫壁在中间.

Men, by the way, 在发育过程中有两根输卵管但是男性在出生前会分泌一种化学物质使整个子宫系统消失. That's why guys don't have a uterus.

How Does a Woman Find Out if She Has a Uterine Anomaly?

没有子宫或子宫颈的女性没有月经,所以通常在她们十几岁的时候才会发现. 大发娱乐想以三角形子宫腔顶部的一个小凹痕结束, like horses, 大发娱乐称之为弓形子宫或心形子宫他们可能永远不会知道,因为它不会引起问题.

Bicornuate Uterus

Women with the Y-shaped uterus, we call it bicornuate, 这是哺乳动物生很多小孩的正常形状,比如猫, 可能发现这是子宫的时候他们有早产儿吗. 女性在子宫腔中有一堵墙,叫做隔膜,当她们有时,可能会发现 recurrent miscarriages.

还有许多其他不太常见的子宫异常,但是大发娱乐该怎么做呢? 大多数子宫异常的女性除了怀孕没有其他问题. 大发娱乐不建议所有女婴或年轻女性都进行子宫成像,以确定其形状是否正常.

一些妇女在剖腹产时发现她们的子宫形状不正常, maybe for a breech baby, 异常形状的子宫更有可能导致婴儿的臀位.

Women who have had a very premature baby 没有什么好的理由,可能会建议他们做子宫成像. Depending on the problem, 这可以通过一种特殊的超声波或x射线来完成,将一种特殊的液体放入子宫,这样子宫腔就可以在屏幕上或核磁共振成像上进行评估.

反复流产的女性通常会做一些成像检查,看看她们的子宫中间是否有隔膜或子宫壁. 好消息是,生殖医学专家可以通过手术切除这堵墙,在下次怀孕时效果很好.

What Kind of Doctor Should You See for a Uterine Anomaly?

如果有人有子宫异常,他们应该看什么样的医生? At the U, we have a team of reproductive endocrinologists, specialists in reproductive problems, who often team up with our high-risk pregnancy specialists to work out a plan for each woman and her uterine problem.

Surgical correction of the problem is often is an option. 当没有办法纠正的问题,大发娱乐经常谈论 gestational surrogacy 用别人的子宫来孕育你的亲生孩子, 大发娱乐可以在大发娱乐的生殖医学中心做吗.

Human development is amazing and interesting and, of course, I think the reproductive system is the coolest. But when things don't go exactly right, 有经验的专家可能会大发娱乐你. And thanks for joining us on The Scope.

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