Do I Need to Go to the ER to Remove a Tick?

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Do I Need to Go to the ER to Remove a Tick?


Coming home from an outdoor adventure and seeing a tick can be a scary thing. What's the best way to remove a tick, and when do you need to visit a doctor? Dr. 特洛伊马德森 shares when it's appropriate to visit the doctor, and what treatments are available if a tick bites you.


面试官: You come back from a hike and you find that you have a tick on you. Is that something that you need to go see a doctor for? 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中讨论这个问题.

播音员: This is "From the Frontlines with Emergency Room Physician Dr. 特洛伊·马德森(特洛伊马德森).

面试官: Dr. 特洛伊马德森 is an emergency room physician at University of Utah Health Care. If you ever get a tick on you, is that something you need to go see a doctor about? Or is it something you can just kind of take care of on your own? Should I be a "do it myself" kind of guy with a tick or come see you?

Dr. 马德森: 这不是一个罕见的问题. It's more of these questions where I may have a family member ask me this sort of thing, 就像, “我出去徒步旅行了. 这是蜱虫."

面试官: 你会去急诊室看虱子吗?

Dr. 马德森: 我不会. 一般来说,不. It's probably something you could see your doctor for. But there are certain things you're looking for. When we think about ticks, we think about infections. We're fortunate in Utah that the more serious infections you think about with ticks aren't really such a big issue, 就像 Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 这很有趣. It's called Rocky Mountain spotted fever, but it's not so much in the Rocky Mountains. I think it was discovered in Denver and that's how it got its name. But it's more in the Southeast that that's an issue.

但不管, 如果有人过来说, “嘿, 我身上有一只虱子,“我在问他们, “你戴了多久??" They may not know exactly, but they may say, "Okay. 我在露营. 我已经回家两天了." If that's the case, I'll say, okay, it's probably been on there at least 48 hours. Typically in those cases, we give antibiotics to prevent any kind of infection from the tick. Kind of the rule of thumb is if the tick's been there for 24 to 36 hours, we'll start antibiotics just to prevent an infection.

现在, if you've had a tick and it's been on you and you look at that spot where the tick was located and you start to see redness around there, 就像一个圆形的皮疹, maybe some puss in that wound that have kind of built up, 那我就更担心了, 一号, 关于蜱虫感染, 就像一个头嵌在伤口里. Or, number two, an infection that a tick has transmitted to you, 就像 Lyme disease. 这也是去看医生的理由.

But I think the bottom line is if you see a tick on yourself, 假设你要去露营, 你把虱子拔掉了, 你除掉了虱子, you don't need to feel 就像 you need to rush right into the ER. Unless you're seeing some of these other things.

面试官: 这就是摆脱它的方法吗? 用镊子轻轻地把它拔出来? 我爸爸以前经常去加油站. I lived out on a ranch and he'd put gas in a a baby food jar and turn it upside down on the tick until it backed out. 或者我听说可能是指甲油. You put nail polish on them and they have to back out.

Dr. 马德森: 是的,我也听说过这些事. Some people have said to put petroleum jelly on it because the tick breathes through its body. 我不是虱子专家. There are probably tick experts out there that are cringing as I say this.

面试官: So we don't know if they breathe through their body or not, is what we're saying.

Dr. 马德森: I've heard people say that and then the tick will back out. I think one of the challenges with those is sometimes, it just makes the tick sit there and just makes it kind of moist. And then it becomes harder to pull it out. The thing I've learned is just to grab some tweezers, grasp down by the tick's head.

面试官: As close to the head as you can get, close to the skin, probably.

Dr. 马德森: 是的. 然后直接往后拉.

面试官: 直接拉出来.

Dr. 马德森: 直接拉出来 and then drop the tick in some water, 就像 a toilet or something 就像 that so it's not climbing on someone else or climbing on your pet. Just so you're drowning the tick and getting rid of it.

面试官: And if you end up doing that, breaking the head off, then you need to go see a doctor? No?

Dr. 马德森: 可能.

面试官: 身体可以承受的? 你是这样的人吗 . . .

Dr. 马德森: If you did break the head off and you came in, I would probably put you on an antibiotic for a few days and tell you to watch for signs of infection. But the reality is the head's probably not going to be that deep where it's going to cause any major issues. And it's probably just going to work its way out within a few days anyway.

面试官: So watch it for those other symptoms you talked about.

Dr. 马德森: 首先要注意其他症状. 你是对的. If you came in, I would probably say, "You've got the tick head still in there. Let's just put you on something for a few days just to prevent any infection from that."

面试官: 但紧急护理可以解决这个问题?

Dr. 马德森: 完全.

面试官: 好吧. 或者第二天去看医生.

Dr. 马德森: 没错,是的. 进急诊室可不是什么紧急情况.

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