如何让科学更可靠? 系统审查提示

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如何让科学更可靠? 系统审查提示


如果你是科学家, systematic reviews - a survey of published results to answer a specific research question - may not be as easy to carry out as you think. Melissa Rethlefsen和Mellanye Lackey来自 犹他大学埃克尔斯健康科学图书馆临床和转化科学中心(CCTS)系统评价核心 解释常见的陷阱和避免它们的方法. 他们讨论了整个过程的时间表, 从一开始就问正确的问题开始, 仔细思考方法, 注册指南, 最后发表报告.



面试官: 系统评价或荟萃分析可能比你想象的要棘手. 但还是有大发娱乐的. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中讨论这个问题.

播音员: 检查最新的研究,告诉你最新的突破. 《大发体育官网》将在范围频道播出.

面试官: I'm talking with Melissa Rethlefsan and Mellanye Lackey from the 犹他大学埃克尔斯健康科学图书馆. Melissa and Mellanye you're putting a lot of efforts into improving the quality of systematic reviews. 这是一种非常特殊的研究. 首先,你能告诉我什么是系统评价吗?

茉莉莎: A systematic review is a pre-specified methodology that looks at the literature to answer a very focused question, 通常是关于病人护理的.

面试官: 你能举个例子吗?

茉莉莎: 举个例子, 通常这是一个PICOT类型的问题,需要患者的干预, 研究人员可能想要回答的比较和结果. 举个例子, it might be looking at teenagers who are depressed and whether or not SSRIs would be better than placebo or a different drug class in preventing the onset of further depression or suicide or some other outcomes that would be of interest to a researcher.

面试官: 所以这些研究的正确设置是非常重要的. 这些步骤怎么可能不会导致研究可重复性的问题呢?

茉莉莎: If you do not have a librarian or someone who's extremely familiar with literature searching methods involved, 然后你就可以做出系统的回顾来回答这个问题, 但那是因为它没有很好的记录, 这是无法复制的. 所以人们, we can go in 和y can look at the systematic review 和y can think that they're getting an unbiased answer. 但后来, 当你看到研究的细节, 你意识到你根本不知道这项研究是如何进行的.

这与临床试验非常相似,但没有得到很好的报道. You might have no idea if the results that they're getting are actually true because you can't tell enough detail from the methods to be able to ascertain that for yourself.

面试官: 真的,这是从他们最初决定问的问题开始的. What are some of the issues that come about in that arena and how can you address those?

Mellanye: 确定. One of the things we do as librarians is help make sure that people are asking questions that can be answered by literature that aren't too big or that aren't too narrow. And once they have a question that there's adequate literature to support studying that question and so we can do initial searches into the databases to identify gaps in the literature, 看看这个研究是否已经完成了, 如果需要更新, 如果有段时间没人做的话. 大发娱乐可以发现是否做过,是否做得准确? 做得好吗?? 如果不能,哪些领域可以 . . . if they need to change their question slightly so as to carve out a unique area of research for themselves. 大发娱乐可以大发娱乐找出解决他们问题的文献.

面试官: 当然,你如何进行这些研究也很重要.

Mellanye: 绝对. And so we as librarians encourage people to register their study in a protocol registry and this helps them ensure that they're going to be doing . . . that they've 虽然t about as a research team, do they have the capacity to do the whole study? It makes them think about every single step of what they will do in their study and outline it and submit that to an international body that is open to anyone to read. 它可以大发娱乐研究人员完成整个过程, 在他们真正开始之前,要想清楚整个过程.

面试官: 它是怎么做到的呢? 它会提示某些问题吗 . . .

Mellanye: 肯定. 这是一个漫长的过程, 不要太长, adequately lengthy set of questions that asks them to describe previous studies in their field, that asks them to describe their search strategy and describes their approach and anything that makes their contribution unique or any limitations that their study will have. 然后发布到互联网上, 进入这个领域,让他们的同行看到,他们可以对此发表评论. 这也确保了他们的地位,所以这就是说,这让他们树立了一面旗帜,“是的. 大发娱乐正在做这项研究, " helps them find out if anyone else has already started on that study and it prevents them from being scooped.

面试官: 这个注册表叫什么?

Mellanye: 普洛斯彼罗. P-R-O-S-P-E-R-O.

面试官: 你觉得人们是在使用它还是这是一种新的东西?

茉莉莎: 我认为人们正在使用它. 我觉得这有点新鲜. 人们不必在普洛斯彼罗中发布协议. 很多时候,人们也会在杂志上发表他们的协议. And there is a specific type of systematic review called the 科克伦 systematic review. 为了做科克伦系统评价, you have to publish your protocol in the 科克伦 database of systematic reviews prior to the publication of the full systematic review.

所以我认为这个问题已经存在很长时间了. 我认为大发娱乐经常发现, 虽然, 低质量的系统评审没有做到这一点吗. And we're trying to really help elevate the quality of systematic reviews much in the same way that clinical trials are trying to do by pre-registering their trial protocols, by making sure that all of the inclusion and exclusion criteria are out there from the beginning, that they know the outcomes that they're going to be looking for so that people can't go back later and switch the outcomes or make up new outcomes or decide because they're an expert that they want to include a certain study that doesn't actually meet their eligibility criteria.

所以这是一个质量衡量标准,人们肯定会接受它. 注册你的协议实际上是棱镜指南的一部分, 系统审查的报告指南是什么. 它代表系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目. 我记得是在2009年出版的. 从那以后,协议注册的发生率上升了很多. 它仍然不是很大,但已经显著上升.

面试官: 你刚刚提到了报告准则. 告诉我更多关于它的信息,它包括什么,为什么它有用.

茉莉莎: 确定. 报道指南,现在有好几百条. 但是对于系统评价, 有两种方法传播和使用得很好. 棱镜,我已经提过了,另一个是驼鹿.

面试官: Oh. 这么多首字母缩写.

茉莉莎: 流行病学研究观察的meta分析. But reporting guidelines are really there to guide a researcher through the process of what things are really key to the reporting process. 当他们真正写最后一篇期刊文章的时候, what has to be in there so that this study can be reproduced and understood by the reader? 对于系统评价, research time and time and time again shows that people are just not reporting their systematic reviews in such a way that is actually reproducible. 这是我认为图书管理员非常关键的一点, is because we can really help increase the reproducibility of this specific type of methodology.

面试官: Well, Mellanye, we've quite a bit about another common pitfall, which is how to search through data.

Mellanye: [听不清]有2500万次引用. 而你却不想问问题, 你不会想要一个太大的搜索策略, 你会得到很多不相关的结果,你会带来很多静态的结果. That can be a real burden on the research team to have to go through extra thousands of results. But you don't want to ask the search strategy in such a way that it misses very relevant results. 所以作为图书管理员, 大发娱乐可以研究搜索策略,以确保大发娱乐得到正确的数量, 不要太多, 没有几个, 刚刚好.

面试官: 给我举一个可能会给你错误答案的例子 . . . 也许不是错误的信息,但不够,或者太多. 任何一个.

Mellanye: 确定. 这是我之前做过的一个搜索, the research team did their search strategy with just the term "developing countries" 和y missed a lot of highly relevant research. 当他们进行搜索时,他们得到了大约17000个结果. 当我加入搜索策略时, 包括国家名称, including directions to the database 和n form field tags and only searching for specific words in certain fields, 这是一种技术, 但它确实改善了返回的结果. 它带来了大约3,500条结果, 其中许多实际上是相关的,可能会被那组人忽略.

面试官: 你知道的,大发娱乐从开始到结束. 什么样的结束步骤,你可以大发娱乐?

茉莉莎: 我认为最后一步,真的,是写出最后的手稿. 在大发娱乐的系统评论核心团队中,大发娱乐确实需要手稿的作者身份. And that's so that we can actually control how our literature searches are being reported. Because there's a tendency if you're not an expert in that area that you might not know what things actually need to be reported in order to make a literature search reproducible. 这就是最后一步了.

播音员: 发现今天的研究将如何影响你的明天. 《大发体育官网》在范围频道播出.