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Aug 16, 2016

With the latest techniques and implants, 年轻人比以往任何时候都更少地更换关节. Dr. Chris Pelt, a University of Utah orthopedic surgeon, 谈论病人在大关节置换术后的期望.

Dr. Miller: 膝关节或髋关节置换术后,你能做你一直想做的事情吗? 大发娱乐接下来将在Scope Radio讨论这个问题.

Announcer:大发娱乐的专家大发娱乐提供有关您今天面临的最大健康问题的深入信息, The Specialists with Dr. Tom Miller is on The Scope.

Dr. Miller: Hi. I'm here with Dr. Chris Pelt. He's an orthopedic surgeon in the Department of Orthopedics here at the University of Utah. 克里斯,你对做过膝盖或髋关节翻修或置换手术的病人说些什么? 他们能做任何他们过去经常做或想做但由于疼痛或活动范围有限而不能做的事情吗?

Average Age of Joint Replacement Patient

Dr. Pelt: 因此,患者接受髋关节和膝关节置换术的年龄比以往任何时候都要小.

Dr. Miller: What is an average age, by the way?

Dr. Pelt: So, 平均年龄在55岁左右, whereas, if you think about the 1960s, '70s, and '80s, when joint replacement was in its infancy, the average hip replacement or knee replacement 会在60多岁的病人身上做吗, 70s, and 80s, 随着关节置换手术的效果越来越好,这个年龄已经越来越低了, and patients today are more active at a . . . 之后会进行高强度的活动, 他们真的希望能够在以后的生活中做他们一直喜欢做的事情, and so . . .

Physical Activity After a Joint Replacement

Dr. Miller: Well, 我记得以前有更多的限制, or at least thought to be restrictions, 关节置换术后可以做些什么, but that's changed a little bit. 这种想法随着新的假肢设备而改变了. Is that right?

Dr. Pelt: 这些年来,大发娱乐的植入技术确实有了进步. 大发娱乐的轴承磨损率较低,使用寿命更长了, and, like I said, 大发娱乐在越来越年轻的病人身上做这些手术他们想要更活跃. So, 大发娱乐过去常常告诉病人,他们应该多坐着, 他们应该避免做某些活动, and as time has progressed, 大发娱乐已经放宽了对病人的大部分限制. 大发娱乐有病人,如果可以的话,一年中可以滑雪300天. They will . . .

Playing Sports with a Joint Replacement

Dr. Miller: 打网球或球拍运动怎么样?

Dr. Pelt: 他们喜欢这样做,他们会这样做,大发娱乐告诉他们没关系. There are some . . .

Dr. Miller: 他们不应该担心他们会磨损假体关节?

Dr. Pelt: I don't think so, and if it did, 将来可能会为他们大发娱乐提供修订选项, 但大发娱乐还没见过因为病人更活跃而导致植入物严重失效的情况. In fact, if anything, 我认为,如果病人在晚年更加健康和活跃,而不是久坐不动,他们的总体预后就会得到改善. So, 我会鼓励大多数病人多活动,做一些他们想做的有趣的事情, so, golfing, tennis, hiking, skiing.

Running with a Joint Replacement

Dr. Miller: 跑步可能是你不太清楚的一件事?

Dr. Pelt: 跑步是我可能会告诉病人的一项运动如果他们把跑步作为锻炼的选择, 也许他们可以选择一个影响较小的活动.

Dr. Miller: Cycling?

Dr. Pelt: Cycling, swimming, elliptical, 任何一种方法都可以降低对假体的影响,也许对假体更容易一些. 但最终,大发娱乐还是有喜欢跑步的病人. 无论是打篮球还是打网球,他们都会跑步,就像你提到的那样.

我给一位喜欢跑马拉松的80岁老太太做过髋关节置换手术, 她在大发娱乐为期六周的预约中来看大发娱乐,并且已经跑了半程马拉松, which is a little bit premature. 大发娱乐必须让植入物长到骨头里, but people want to be active, and they will do things. 当他们在手术后关节炎疼痛减轻后感觉更好的时候, they will become active again, and we want to encourage them to do that.

Dr. Miller: So, if you're getting an implant, let's say at the age of 50, 如果你还在骑自行车或滑雪,植入物能持续多久?

How Long Does a Joint Replacement Last?

Dr. Pelt: We expect 15 years on the average for a knee replacement and maybe 30 years for a hip replacement, even when a patient's really active. 这些差异与轴承的类型有一定的关系, 髋关节置换术是一圈接一圈的手术, 相对于圆形对平面的膝关节置换术. 但是大发娱乐看到很多膝关节置换术在20多年后的随访中, still doing quite well, 这些病人中的许多人在他们生命的大部分时间里都很活跃.

Dr. Miller: 你认为科技在未来会发展吗, 植入物最终会持续更长时间吗?

Dr. Pelt: Yeah. I believe it's coming out soon. I mean, there's new improvements. May not be in the next 5 years, 但也许在接下来的10年里,随着表面涂层和大发娱乐使用的材料类型开始改进,大发娱乐将看到植入物中更持久的轴承的一些改进. 大发娱乐使用的轴承可能发展缓慢,并继续显示出改进.

Announcer: 有趣,内容丰富,而且都是为了更好的健康. This is The Scope Health Sciences Radio.

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