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在犹他州,前交叉韧带扭伤或撕裂是很常见的. 徒步旅行、跑步、滑雪——或者其他 Dr. 帕特里克售后的 描述它, tying long boards to your feet and throwing yourself down a mountain—are good ways to injure a ligament. Dr. Geis是一名整形外科医生 Dr. 汤姆米勒 about everything you need to know about an ACL injury—its causes, its symptoms and its treatment.


Dr. 米勒: 前交叉韧带损伤或前交叉韧带损伤, that happens a lot to knees here in Utah with so many skiers and athletes. 大发娱乐接下来将在Scope Radio讨论这个问题.

播音员: Access to our experts with in-depth information about the biggest health issues facing you today. 专家与博士. 汤姆米勒在范围报道.

Dr. 米勒: 我和Dr. 售后的帕特. Pat's an orthopedic surgeon, he's professor of orthopedic in the Department of Orthopedics. 帕特,什么是前交叉韧带损伤? 你是怎么得到的? 我知道这很常见. I see a fair percentage of it coming down in sleds off the ski slopes over the ski season.

Dr. Greis: 前交叉韧带是膝关节中心的主要韧带之一. 它可以防止膝盖向前滑动. 不幸的是,当你把长木板绑在脚的末端时

Dr. 米勒: 穿着20磅重的厚靴子?

Dr. Greis: 然后从滑雪山上下来,糟糕的事情发生了. So, we see a lot of folks who come in had a twisting fall maybe got a toboggan ride down the rest of the ski hill come in with a sore, 膝盖肿了.

Dr. 米勒: 这发生在大发娱乐今年一起滑雪的一个家庭朋友身上. 不幸的是,这是今天最后一次跑步了. Fell. 然后弹出.

Dr. Greis: 第一次运行或最后一次运行,它永远不会失败. 膝盖通常会扭曲. Maybe they feel a pop, tried to get up, tried to ski, a turn or two, the knee feels unstable.

Dr. 米勒: 或者他们甚至不能站在上面,也不能在上面负重.

Dr. Greis: 当然是那些被放到雪橇上的人. And then usually managed at the bottom of the hill with a knee mobilizer, 也许会拍些x光片, 确保没有任何东西被破坏. 然后两三天之后去诊所做评估.

Dr. 米勒: 前交叉韧带是稳定膝盖的韧带之一, but we tend to hear ACL not only in skiing but in other contact sports or even non-contact sports in athletics. 这是一种很常见的膝盖损伤?

Dr. Greis: It is one of the higher profile injuries given the level of disability that occurs from it is pretty high. 这对篮球运动员来说很难, a 足球 player to continue playing after they've torn an ACL because without the ACL in the knee, 膝盖不稳定.

Dr. 米勒: So, 如果你在做一项运动,你需要很多支点——足球, 足球, anything with cleats - it's got to be pretty tough to maintain that activity without the ACL.

Dr. Greis: 任何跳跃、着陆、扭转活动都很难继续. 很少有人能在没有前交叉韧带的情况下继续比赛. So, we end up rebuilding a lot of these to allow people to get back to these kinds of sports.

Dr. 米勒: So, 也就是说如果你有完全的前交叉韧带撕裂, there's not much in the way of physical therapy that's going to help if you're going to get back into competitive sports. 这样说公平吗?

Dr. Greis: 光靠物理治疗可能无法达到目的. 但这是整个治疗的重要组成部分. ACL injuries, when they happen, result in a pretty sore and 膝盖肿了. And prior to any surgical treatment, physical therapy is a big part of getting ready for surgery. We like to operate and fix knees when they're quiet, when they have full motion, limited swelling. And so therapy, although it's not going to fix the problem, is a big part of treatment.

Dr. 米勒: So, this dispels the notion a little bit that when patients have a knee injury, 尤其是ACL的损伤, 他们不需要急着去找整形外科医生做手术.

Dr. Greis: Not for surgery but they should see somebody because getting going and doing the right things to get the knee functioning and working again is important.

Dr. 米勒: 跟我谈谈性别的差异. 我知道女性可能更容易发生前交叉韧带断裂.

Dr. Greis: 可以肯定的是. 不幸的是, as we've seen more and more young girls and women in cutting sports such as soccer, we've also that their injury rates tend to be four to eight times higher than matched controls with their male counterparts. There's lot of potential reasons for that that's still being worked out. 但事实是, again, young women in soccer are experiencing the same injury quite a bit more often than men.

Dr. 米勒: 年长的病人呢? Do they always need to get their ACL repaired if they're not doing cutting sports?

Dr. Greis: 当然,他们没有. Here in the Wasatch Front, given the activity level of many so-called older patients. 我认为这是一个问题,因为大发娱乐都在变老. The activity level is such that many prefer to get their ACL reconstructed so they don't have to modify their activity to fit their knee.

Dr. 米勒: 那么,你会怎么做呢? 你等, 你做物理治疗, 你等着肿胀消退, 你等待更多的动作,然后呢? 我猜 there are several techniques that you use top repair the ACL.

Dr. Greis: 大发娱乐通常会重建前交叉韧带,所以大发娱乐要替换它. 实际上是在修理它, putting sutures in it was something that was done commonly in the '70s and '80s but less so now. So, we're more about replacing the ACL rather than reconstructing it. And the idea there is to put a new ligament where the ACL used to be in the right, 解剖位置,使其功能像原始ACL一样.

Dr. 米勒: 一旦完成, I suppose there's a period of fairly enough intense physical therapy to help re-strengthen and reconstruct the knee?

Dr. Greis: 可以肯定的是. ACL surgery is not something where you wake up from an operation and say, hey . . .

Dr. 米勒: 奔向足球场.

Dr. Greis: 不幸的是,它没有那么快. 手术后会有一段时间的疼痛和肿胀. 但康复是分阶段进行的. 第一个月可能会进行物理治疗, 去健身房, 做简单的练习, 骑自行车旋转. By two to three months, hiking, playing golf are more reasonable leisure activities.

Dr. 米勒: 而不是踢拳.

Dr. Greis: 踢拳不会是你离开拳击台后做的第一件事. 但这需要6个月的时间. 甚至在六个月后, many athletes are probably not as good as they're going to be at 9 or 12 months.

Dr. 米勒: So physical therapy and follow up is extremely important in coming back with a functional knee that will allow you to participate in high-intensity sports.

Dr. Greis: Without therapy, doing ACL surgery is probably not going to be successful. 这是其中很重要的一部分. When you see these athletes who are coming back and six and nine months have to realize that there are probably spending four, five, 每周六天在健身房锻炼. And so, it's a mindset of being injured but then being willing to do the work to get back to where you were.

Dr. 米勒: 最后, do you have any tips for the weekend warrior or the visiting vacation skewer handed person who comes out to avoid an ACL injury?

Dr. Greis: 像很多运动一样,保持直立.

Dr. 米勒: 站好你的手杖,别摔倒. 我猜, 我的一个问题是, probably not a good idea to ski until that very of the day when your ligaments and muscles are twitching and not working very well.

Dr. 米勒: 总是不知道什么时候该叫它. But getting in the back seat, getting behind your skis is certainly one mechanism falls unavoidable. 事情就是这样. 这是一项很有趣的运动,但也有一定的风险.

播音员: 大发娱乐是你每日的健康、科学和对话栏目. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.