3 Most Common Sports injuries That Can Put You in the ER

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3 Most Common Sports injuries That Can Put You in the ER


Playing sports can be hard on a body and lead to a serious injury that might need immediate attention. 急救医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森 covers the top three most common sports injuries he sees in the emergency room. Find out what they are, how to treat them and when you should go to the ER immediately.


面试官: Common sports injuries that end up in the ER, that's next on 范围.

播音员: This is From the Front Lines with emergency room physician Dr. 特洛伊·马德森在《大发体育官网》上报道.

面试官: Dr. 特洛伊马德森 is an emergency room physician at 犹他大学医疗保健. He wanted to talk about some common sports injuries that could end up in the ER. What are some of the things that you commonly see as a result of somebody engaging in some sort of activity?

Dr. 马德森: One of the biggest things that we see, and I think one of the biggest areas of concern recently, 是脑震荡和头部受伤吗. 通过定义, if your child gets hit in the head with a ball, 或者他们在踢足球, 之后他们会有点头晕, 或者失去意识, 或者他们感到恶心, 或者他们头痛, by definition they've had a concussion. So that's a case where the brains been kind of shaken up, 导致这些症状, and that can have some long-term consequences, so that's absolutely a time to get medical attention.

然后问题就变成了, 好了, do they need to go to the ER right away, or can you get them in to see their pediatrician or family doctor within the next few days? So kind of the big thing there in my mind is that if they lose consciousness, 如果他们只是做得不对, 如果他们在呕吐, 这就是去急诊室的原因.

面试官:真的? Just no questions asked, if those things are happening, just go?

Dr. 马德森: 去急诊室吧 . . .

面试官: 这已经够严重了 . . .

Dr. 马德森: 它是, because there I'm not just concerned about a concussion, I'm also concerned about bleeding in the head.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 马德森: That's a time to get a CAT scan of the brain to make sure everything looks okay there. 但, 如果他们感到困惑, 然后他们会变得更好, 他们没有失去意识, 他们表现得很好, good reason to see the family doctor, 也许就不用急着去急诊室了.

面试官: 好吧. 和, it's becoming more and more accepted that you should go see a doctor after something like that, 而不是把它抖掉, because there are things that the doctor can recommend to help with the recovery.

Dr. 马德森: 完全.

面试官: 据我所知. 好吧.

Dr. 马德森: 和, you need to make sure they are fully recovered over a period, 通常以周为单位, before they get back into contact sport, because if they get another concussion within that timeframe it can be much more severe.

面试官: That's where you're seeing a lot of the danger.

Dr. 马德森: 完全.

面试官: 好吧. What are some of the other common sports injuries that you see, you've got concussion, what else?

Dr. 马德森: Well, one of the other common things we see are sprains and fractures. So, let's say your child is playing soccer and they roll their ankle, 你可以看一下, 肿起来了, 问问自己,这是扭伤吗, or is this something I need to get an X-ray of this? 有几件事可以帮到你. 如果他们能在上面行走的话, 至少四个步骤, 他们的生活还不错, and let's say you pushed on the ankle on the bone and feel the outside of the leg along the bone that runs down into the ankle, and they're not really tender on there, 这是个好迹象. They probably don't need an X-ray right off.

他们的膝盖也是一样, if they are able to walk on their knee, 可能肿了一点, 但是你推骨头, 你在膝盖上推来推去, 在侧面, the outside of the leg on the bone there, 它们不太嫩, 这些也是好的迹象, 可能不需要急着去拍x光片. 如果是扭伤, the best thing to do for it is to put some sort of elastic wrap on it, 保持高度, 你可以把它冰起来, 这也可能有所大发娱乐, um, 只是嗯, maybe some ibuprofen can sometimes help decrease that swelling, but it's a common thing we see and often in my mind I'm asking myself the same questions, 在我的脑海里用同样的东西, 我需要拍x光片吗?

面试官: 大发娱乐来看第三题.

Dr. 马德森: 是的, so number and something I do occasionally see are abdominal injuries. 大发娱乐最重要的事情之一, 大发娱乐看到的很有趣, 一次又一次 you see it in football players, 足球运动员, 身体接触运动中的个人, where something like another player or the ball, 与它们的腹部接触, 他们可以得到脾脏损伤. 脾在左边, 上腹部, 如果你推一下肋骨下面, 这就是你的脾脏所在.

和, it's an organ that is, if you hit it hard enough, it's prone to rupture. 和 I've certainly seen cases of young athletes who have come in, 谁被击中了, 谁有多痛. Maybe they have pain up into their shoulder as well, it's kind of a classic sign where they get pain not only in their upper abdomen, 左肩也有, we get a CAT scan and they have a ruptured spleen.

面试官: 哇.

Dr. 马德森: 和 that's an important thing to know because spleens can bleed quite a bit and certainly if they have an injury and they keep playing and they get more injured there it can be much more severe.

面试官: 好吧. 和 is that something that's pretty obvious that the spleen is hurt, 你触摸到那个区域 and there's going to be some "aagghhh".

Dr. 马德森: 完全. 是的, 你触摸到那个区域, 它们会疼的, 一次又一次, a reason to come to the ER and get a CAT scan to look at that.

面试官: 好吧. Three common sports injuries that end up in the ER, what to look for and what to do with them. 非常感谢.

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