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Concerns About Breastfeeding? Lactation Specialist Can Help

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Concerns About Breastfeeding? Lactation Specialist Can Help

Sep 15, 2016

Breastfeeding should be easy. 所有哺乳动物都会这么做,但作为一个新妈妈,如果你有问题,你会问谁? 职业 Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 玛丽·埃里克森是大发娱乐的哺乳专家. 他们讨论了新妈妈在母乳喂养方面可能遇到的常见问题和担忧, as well as the help lactation specialists can offer.

Episode Transcript

Dr. 琼斯: Breastfeeding, it should be easy. Mice do it, deer do it, cats do it. 但是如果你作为一个新妈妈有疑问或问题,你应该和谁谈谈? 这是博士. 来自犹他卫生保健大学妇产科的Kirtly Jones,今天大发娱乐将与范围的专家进行对话.

Announcer: 涵盖妇女健康的各个方面,这是妇女健康的七个领域. Kirtly Jones, on 范围.

Dr. 琼斯: I was born in Germany and my mother, who was a good Boston girl, was told by the nuns at the hospital where she delivered, that she should drink beer, 黑啤酒, to bring her milk in. 好吧, 它起作用了,然后乘船返回美国, 据说我生病了,不愿喂奶,而她又没有修女帮她关掉奶水.

好吧, when my son was born and I was worried about my milk supply, 顺便说一下, obstetricians are not very smart about breastfeeding, I actually brought my sister in to help me, cause she'd done it twice, and she brought me a beer. And 30 minutes later, it was a done deal. 因此,一种关于母乳喂养和啤酒的迷信和传统,在我家诞生了.

Around the world, 关于母乳喂养应该做什么和不应该做什么,有一些习俗和老妇人的故事,但实际上有一些人和一些科学. 新妈妈们, here at the university hospital who have questions, can get help from a breastfeeding specialist. Today in Scope Studio, we're talking with Mary Erickson, a lactation specialist, on our postpartum floor.

Welcome, Mary. So you're a lactation consultant?

玛丽: That's correct.

Dr. 琼斯: Did I say that correctly?

玛丽: 嗯哼.

Dr. 琼斯: And we have a couple of them here at the U?

玛丽: Absolutely, we do.

Dr. 琼斯: Is there somebody during the weekday that's always available? Is there somebody always on-call?

玛丽: 一周七天,总有一个哺乳顾问. 也, 很多护士并没有积极地做咨询师,但她们都经历过这个过程, so there's typically someone who knows how to help.

Dr. 琼斯: Okay and they have a certificate and . . . so it's not your mother who is going to feed you a beer?

玛丽: 正确的, that's 正确的.

Dr. 琼斯: Oh good, oh good. 那么,新妈妈们最常见的问题或担忧是什么呢?

玛丽: Probably the most common concerns are discomfort. 母乳喂养会带来一些不适. And also her inability in her mind, 她不能满足孩子的要求这可能包括孩子的哭闹, won't sleep in his crib, baby's hungry, or wants to be held all the time, 所有这些她都内化了,认为都是她自己的错.

Dr. 琼斯: And it's her breast milk, rather than, who knows?

玛丽: 正确的, yeah.

Dr. 琼斯: 因此,哺乳专家或顾问可以大发娱乐妈妈解释什么是饥饿,什么是烦躁, and what's just, 你知道, "Wrap me up a little tighter," or, "I'd rather be with you, 妈妈, than by myself over there in the corner."

玛丽: 正确的, 所以我的大部分工作就是教他们什么是正常的新生儿喂养行为,什么是正常的新生儿行为? When is the crying normal?

Dr. 琼斯: Yeah, 正确的. 那么,你如何大发娱乐那些担心牛奶不足的妈妈呢? Remember now, our patients who have a normal vaginal delivery, go home in 48 hours, even before their breastmilk has even come in. 那么你如何大发娱乐那些妈妈们消除她们的恐惧呢, or help a mom who really maybe, 她的孩子生病了,她有一段时间没有母乳喂养,现在她的母乳不够了? What can you do for those moms?

玛丽: 所以首先,我认为重要的是让他们了解什么是正常行为,就目前而言 . . . 很多人想要非常具体,这就是将要发生的事情,但是 . . .

Dr. 琼斯: Get ready for parenting.

玛丽: 完全. 跟他们谈谈,刚出生的24小时,你的宝宝会是这样的. 婴儿出生后的48小时会完全不同. And then 72 hours, when your milk comes in, different again. And just preparing them, that every single day is going to be a little bit different, 试着大发娱乐他们认识到什么时候可以,什么时候不可以. And then what to do when it's not okay.

Dr. 琼斯: 好吧,对于那些似乎没有足够乳汁的妈妈来说,这很难. 妈妈s may be going back to work. 现在他们又要去医院了所以他们还能打电话吗? If they have delivered here, can they call, 因为他们的问题可能是因为他们的母乳直到他们回家才进来?

玛丽: 正确的, 正确的, and we're very fortunate, we do have a breastfeeding clinic, so moms do need support past the hospital period, so they do need someone to call. And it's very nice to be able to bring them in, have them a doctor, a pediatrician will look at their baby, make sure baby's okay, 然后让她们和母乳喂养的人进行一对一的治疗可以大发娱乐解决问题并找出发生了什么,也有希望, to give her a lot of reassurance.

So if she felt like she did not have enough milk, 对我来说, it depends on where she's at on that timeline. If she's day five, 六个, 七个, 我认为她应该做过乳房改变她应该更加确信她有足够的乳汁如果没有, I would definitely want her to be seen.

Dr. 琼斯: 嗯,我记得,在那杯啤酒之后那可能是在适当的时候喝的. I don't think it was the beer but it did relax me. 我的牛奶像牛奶卡车一样运来,然后我想,“哦,天哪,我喝得太多了.“然后我想起来,大发娱乐甚至可能会照顾双胞胎, so at the beginning, we have a lot. We probably have more than we need, 所以我想这只是一个机会,把它放在我的银行里,放在我的冰箱里. 但有些女性实际上很快就会分泌乳汁,或者分泌大量乳汁, and that doesn't settle down to a pattern. What do you do for those women?

玛丽: 首先,牛奶不足比牛奶太多更难处理. 但是过多的牛奶也可能是一个问题,尤其是对婴儿来说. 这就像有时试图从消防水管里喝水一样,这是相当具有挑战性的. 如果是这样的话,她还可以做其他事情.

我喜欢的一件事是,我告诉妈妈在乳房空了之后,要做冰块. 冰可以减少血流量,这样可以大发娱乐她更好地控制血流量. 他们可以尝试的另一种方法是每次只喂一次母乳, so they get a good milk mix of the hindmilk and the foremilk.

Dr. 琼斯: So you do ever suggest that the mom, with the milk comes out like a fire hose, 只要挤出一些牛奶,这样压力就会小一点? So then maybe the baby can latch on a little easier, and not get flooded the first mouthful, and then get disrupted, and get upset. How do you deal with that?

玛丽: 一个很好的策略是继续前进,克服第一次失望. 第一次失望是最强烈的,所以在第一次失望之后, the milk flow will be a little more gentle. 因此,有些妈妈确实需要做一点用力的动作,或者只是做一个小小的手势,让第一次失望的情绪通过. Dr. 琼斯:能有专业人士来大发娱乐大发娱乐真是太好了. It's good news because in fact, I really didn't like beer.

So thanks for joining us on 范围.

玛丽: You're welcome, thank you.

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