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“预防是最好的药物,”他说 Dr. 特洛伊马德森. 在急诊室工作的医生. 马德森见过人们最糟糕的日子. 这对他的个人健康有何影响? Dr. Madsen talks about some lifestyle changes he has made after years of experience in the emergency room.


播音员: 这是来自前线的急诊室医生. 特洛伊·马德森在《大发娱乐》上报道.

面试官: Dr. 特洛伊马德森 is an emergency room physician at University of Utah healthcare. Dr. Madsen, what changes have you made in your lifestyle because of what you've seen in the ER? 我的意思是,你看到了决定的最终结果. Have those decisions, what you see there, changed any of your behaviors?

Dr. 马德森: 问得好,你说得对. We do tend to see the end result of decisions and the end result of disease processes, 我觉得在急诊室, you realize there is a certain amount you can do in those situations but you're also so limited in so many ways. 所以我认为对我来说, I can think of a few things that probably it's affected me over the years where I really realize that, 你知道, 他们说最好的药是预防.

And I think that's kind of how it has affected me personally is trying to make changes in my lifestyle to prevent certain diseases and certain things so I just hopefully never end up in the ER. 我相信我会的, 我以前有过, 但我会不惜一切代价避免,除非我在那里工作.

面试官: 你发现了什么?

Dr. 马德森: 所以我有一件事, 你知道, 就我个人而言, 大约八年前, 实际上我收养了, 从技术上讲,这个术语是鱼素饮食. So not vegetarian but pretty much vegetarian and then I occasionally eat fish. This is something personally I did after kind of seeing some of my cholesterol numbers and that and having a family history of high cholesterol. 这就是促使我做这件事的原因.

I think for a lot of people adopting a dietary change like this is kind of a personal decision and maybe other factors that go into that as well. But a big part of it was seeing advanced cardiovascular disease and seeing my cholesterol numbers that just maybe weren't as great as I hoped they were and thinking, “哇, I'd like to make some changes to see if I can make a difference there.“我可以说我看到了不同,同时, 我告诉你,你可以成为一个素食主义者, or a pescetarian or vegan or whatever you want to do but you can still eat very poorly. 所以你还是要非常小心. I don't think that's any sort of a golden ticket to having good health but I think personally for me, seeing some of the outcomes of heart disease and where things have gone, it's been a positive change for me and something where I have seen some improvement in cholesterol numbers and some improvement there.

面试官: So there was a personal reason that you mentioned but what is it that you're seeing in the ER that really solidified that for you then when it comes to cardiovascular disease?

Dr. 马德森: 是的. I see a lot of people who come in with heart attacks, who come in with a lot of heart issues. I have done a lot of research personally on heart disease and seen some of the outcomes that people have. I look at people on lots of different medications to lower their cholesterol and I think for me, 我刚刚说过, “你知道吗?, 我可不想沦落到不得不吃药的地步."

也许有一天会有这样的时刻, but I thought if I can prevent that and try and take some steps to prevent that, then 那太好了 and I was encouraged also just in terms of my research and seeing a couple of studies that were out there that looked at people's different dietary practices, one that looked particularly at the Mediterranean diet which does incorporate a lot of fish, 橄榄油, 蔬菜, 诸如此类. These studies were fairly convincing in showing that these people in these diets really did have improvements in terms of their cholesterol by primarily really looking at outcomes of heart disease and in different changes there. 所以,是的,如果它在那里有效,值得一试.

面试官: 这些结果让你害怕的是什么?

Dr. 马德森: 我可不想最后心脏病发作. 我可不想最后进急诊室, getting rushed to the cath lab like I see so many people coming in and then trying to get a stent in to open up a blocked artery and then hopefully it's successful but maybe then there are adverse outcomes and complications down the road. 所以, 在我的脑海里看到了很多这样的案例,我说, “嘿, 如果我能避免有一天陷入那样的境地, 那太好了.“也许这能预防,也许能大发娱乐, 也许不是,但就我个人而言, 我认为这对我来说是一件积极的事情, 观察一段时间内的胆固醇含量. 再一次。, I'm just speaking purely anecdotally but I've definitely seen improvements there so I think that's been a good thing.

面试官: 好吧. 你还学到了什么?

Dr. 马德森: 我还想另一件事, 这也是在我妻子的鼓励下, 我试着跑得更多,这也是一种预防措施. I think that gets to, 再一次。, heart disease, just general health, certainly avoiding obesity. We see many, many complications of obesity in the emergency department. 心脏病,糖尿病,中风,诸如此类. 所以我要尝试一种积极的生活方式. I ran a bit in college and then I just stopped running during medical school, 完全停止了. 我还是很活跃的,但是后来, 每一个生日, 我妻子似乎给了我一些让我跑步的东西, 比如一双鞋或者其他的东西 . . .

面试官: 你花了多少年才意识到这一点?

Dr. 马德森: 花了几年时间. 最后,我接受了暗示. 我想,“我最好开始跑步." So I'm proud to say I actually completed my first marathon two weeks ago.

面试官: 噢,不错.

Dr. 马德森: So I'm very excited about that but I don't think you need to go on and be a marathon runner or anything like that. 我认为就是积极的生活方式, 我想做一些心血管运动, 每周至少三次,每次30分钟, that's going to prevent a lot of these things that have been concerning to me, 再一次。, seeing complications of obesity and inactive lifestyles and a lot of the things that then just develop over time and then develop into an emergency and something I might see in the ER.

面试官: 是的. It's interesting that it comes back to kind of two very basic things: diet and exercise, right?

Dr. 马德森: 确实如此.

面试官: 当你去看医生的时候, 这就是他们反复强调的, 我认为大发娱乐往往对此麻木,认为, “嗯, 这到底有多大区别呢?“但基于你所看到的,我想了很多.

Dr. 马德森: 我认为这是巨大的. 我认为答案很简单. 大发娱乐有时想要一个复杂的疾病答案. 我认为答案非常简单,确实如此, 预防绝对是你能做的最好的事情. 再一次。, speaking as someone who sees things on the other end trying to deal with things when they have developed, 你可以预防它和预防的关键, 我真的认为, 归结为饮食和运动吗.

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