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How Diagnostic Ultrasound Is Changing Orthopedics

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How Diagnostic Ultrasound Is Changing Orthopedics

Nov 22, 2016

An ultrasound allows doctors to look at structures beneath the skin. 肌肉、肌腱和神经都可以实时看到,以大发娱乐诊断. Dr. Tom Miller talks to Dr. Daniel Cushman 关于超声波如何在骨科工作中使用以及该技术如何更便宜, faster and often more useful than an MRI.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Miller: Diagnostic ultrasound. We're going to talk about that next on Scope radio.

Announcer:大发娱乐的专家大发娱乐提供有关您今天面临的最大健康问题的深入信息. The Specialists with Dr. Tom Miller is on The Scope.

Dr. Miller: I'm Dr. Tom Miller and I'm here with Dr. Daniel Cushman. 他是犹他大学骨科中心骨科部的运动医学医生. Daniel, welcome. 请给我讲讲超声引导下的肌肉骨骼疾病诊断. I know this is a new technique, relatively new. 它已经存在了很长一段时间,但最近发现了更多的应用.

Dr. Cushman: Definitely. 超声波是一种非侵入性的方法来观察皮肤下的结构. It doesn't do a great job for things like bones which we have X-rays for, 但如果你说的是骨头上面的东西比如肌腱或肌肉之类的东西, we can see those very well with ultrasound.

Dr. Miller: Does it assist you in your clinical diagnosis?

Dr. Cushman: All the time. For example, somebody hurts their shoulder, we can get a good look at those tendons, 用超声波检查肩袖肌腱或者如果有人的手腕受伤大发娱乐可以看看那里的肌腱. 有时大发娱乐可以观察神经,特别是看它们是否在某处受到挤压.

Dr. Miller: It would help you, let's say, looking at a shoulder with an ultrasound, 这可以大发娱乐你确定是全层撕裂还是部分撕裂,甚至没有撕裂.

Dr. Cushman: Exactly, 这就是大发娱乐在检查病人的时候发现的东西它并不像看起来那么明显. 很多时候,大发娱乐的病人完全撕裂了他们的肩袖他们没有太多的问题,相反的情况是,有些人几乎没有损伤肩袖,但他们很疼.

Dr. Miller: This would also help you decide on the guidance of treatment, right? 不管他们是去做物理治疗还是让肩膀休息一段时间.

Dr. Cushman: Exactly.

Dr. Miller: It just gives you a better sense of your diagnosis I suppose.

Dr. Cushman: All the time.

Dr. Miller: 另一件有趣的事是你在诊所就诊时就这么做了, so this sort of obviates the need for having an MRI.

Dr. Cushman: Yeah. Definitely. 很多时候,我只要和病人一起在房间里拿着超声仪就行了只需要一点点凝胶就行了.

Dr. Miller: 所以这可能比大发娱乐现有的其他标准成像技术成本更低.

Dr. Cushman: 它明显更低,我不知道确切的数字,但可能在某个范围内,大约是核磁共振成像价格的十分之一,如果你看肩膀.

Dr. Miller: Is it as good as good as an MRI for looking at, let's say again, a shoulder?

Dr. Cushman: Yes. That's really dependent more on the person doing the exam. If somebody has had a lot of experience with ultrasound, studies show they're about as good as an MRI. 如果一个人没有经验,那么它就只能和参加考试的人一样好.

Dr. Miller: What other areas of the musculoskeletal system do you use this on? How about Achilles tendons or . . .?

Dr. Cushman: 很多时候大发娱乐不用超声波就能知道问题出在哪里但有时它很有大发娱乐,比如跟腱, we do use it on occasion. 有时候大发娱乐认为大发娱乐知道诊断结果这要么证实了它,要么告诉大发娱乐是其他原因导致了问题,所以在这方面它是有大发娱乐的.

Dr. Miller: How about in the hip?

Dr. Cushman: In the hip joint there's a couple of uses for that pretty commonly. 做过髋关节置换术的人之后不能做核磁共振成像他们仍然会感到疼痛, 很多时候,一些髋关节置换外科医生会让大发娱乐看看假体上的肌腱.

Dr. Miller: 有时病人会因为疼痛而来你之前告诉过我你可以用超声波来找出疼痛的来源或者是神经上的某个结构导致了疼痛. So for instance you might think it's . . . 病人可能会告诉你他们在手腕或手臂末端感到疼痛但实际上疼痛的产生是在更高的位置你们已经从超声波中了解到这一点.

Dr. Cushman: Yes, exactly. 核磁共振成像的一个缺点是你一次只能做一个部分所以你只能看脖子或者肩膀. You can't really do both at the same time. With an ultrasound, if you're thinking maybe a nerve is causing this, you can trace it all the way from the finger, all the way up the arm to the shoulder, 对整个神经或任何你想找的结构都有一个完整的视图.

Dr. Miller: 现在有多少像你这样的专家精通使用超声波作为诊断工具?

Dr. Cushman: Here at the U, 大发娱乐部门至少有四到五个人,而且它越来越受欢迎,因为它对病人来说非常简单. 患者通常喜欢它,因为它比做核磁共振或回去更便宜.

Dr. Miller: 它还为您大发娱乐提供实时反馈,这样您就不必等待放射学的测试结果.

Dr. Cushman: Definitely. A lot of the time, one other thing I was going to mention was that when patients say, "It hurts when I do this," and they move their arm or they move their leg, 大发娱乐可以在它运动的时候观察它,而不是用核磁共振或x光检查, which only shows a static picture.

Dr. Miller: 你认为将来会有更多的整形外科医生和运动专家接受这项技术的培训,使其在整个专业中变得很普遍吗?

Dr. Cushman: I think so. 我认为它正在成为人们观察皮肤下的第二双眼睛.

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