Hospital Rankings: Which Ones Matter and Which are Just ‘Merit Badges’?

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Hospital Rankings: Which Ones Matter and Which are Just ‘Merit Badges’?


When a hospital claims to be “No. 1” in a ranking, what does that ultimately mean to you as a patient? Does a top-ranked hospital actually mean better quality of care? Dr. 罗伯特·彭德尔顿, chief medical quality officer at University of Utah Health, says there are more than 30 different rankings in the U.S. 这完全是为了广告,与护理的实际质量几乎没有关系, and about a dozen meaningful ones. Dr. 彭德尔顿加入 范围 谈论你在选择医院时应该看哪些排名,以及如何区分哪些排名仅仅是“医疗荣誉徽章”.”


面试官: 大发娱乐你了解医院排名,这将是下一期《大发娱乐》节目的内容.

播音员: Health tips, medical news, research and more for a happier, healthier life. From University of Utah Health Sciences, this is 范围.

面试官: 当一家医院说他们在这个排名中排名第一或者在另一个排名中排名前十, what does ultimately mean for you as a patient? And are there some rankings that are more prestigious than others? 好吧. Hopefully, we'll get some help understanding this. Dr. 罗伯特·彭德尔顿(罗伯特·彭德尔顿)是犹他大学医疗保健中心的首席医疗质量官. 有一次, 我在听你的演讲,你把这些排名称为荣誉徽章,因为它们太多了, 正确的? What exactly do you mean by "they're just merit badges"?

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 好吧, you have to understand my perspective is five years ago, I was just a doc in the hospital who knew nothing about any of this, other than what patients see, 正确的? These banners and everything. And when I took on the role of Chief Quality Officer, 这真的让我大开眼界,因为这取决于你谈论的排名, 每家医院都有, 正确的? Every hospital has a banner or whatever. 很快,我就感觉自己回到了童子军,收集荣誉徽章. 排名太多了,病人很难理解, “嗯, 真正重要的是什么?"

面试官: 是的,有多少? Do you have any sort of a guess at that?

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 是的, there are probably a dozen or so very popular ones, but then another 20 or 30 merit badges that are maybe sort of less developed, 但是人们还是会把这些东西挂在他们医院的门牌上之类的.

面试官: 是的, so what are these ratings usually based on? And should we make some differentiation at this point where we talk about, “从现在开始,大发娱乐谈论的是有意义的,大发娱乐有点忘记了荣誉徽章。”? Or how do you think we should best organize that to help a patient understand?

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 是的, I think that the most common ones that hospitals talk about, 即使在那个池子里, 非常不同. 有些排名几乎完全是基于声誉或所谓的结构性措施. 所以一个结构性的措施可能是像你们医院晚上有多少重症监护室的医生.

And although those kinds of things, reputation and structural measures like staffing, 表面上看, 是很重要的, 我的信念是,在医疗保健领域,大发娱乐已经超越了这一点,大发娱乐可以开始衡量更有意义的事情,实际上开始关注安全措施, 并发症, how likely patients are to survive a severe illness when they get hospitalized, 他们的医生、护士和医疗团队是否能有效地沟通,让病人明白他们的计划是什么. 大发娱乐现在所处的这个阶段,这些客观的衡量标准应该几乎完全用于这些排名,因为我认为声誉, 人员编制比率等. just feels like more merit badges to me.

面试官: 确定. 除此之外, 就像, "Are you going to go in and have a good outcome,之类的, 这些排名中是否有衡量患者利益的因素? You talk about patient benefits a lot.

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 是的. 有. 有 things like how long do you stay in the hospital for a given problem, compared to what we would expect. 大多数病人都不想在医院里多呆几天. 他们测量诸如, do you get a common complication in health care, which is like a new infection. 一次又一次, a whole Interviewer of very patient-oriented things, 像你知道的, how well did your doctor communicate with you? How responsive was the staff if you used your call light to summon for help? 药剂师是否以你能理解的方式谈论你的药物?

当你出院时,你明白你的后续计划了吗? 然后测量, 在你出院后,你真的需要意外地回到急诊室或医院吗?

面试官: So you talk about kind of which of the metrics matter. How can I determine now which of these merit badges matter? 比如,我去一家医院的网站,我看到他们有一个这样的荣誉徽章. How do I know if that's the real deal or if it's just a merit badge?

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 我认为这些荣誉徽章中的大多数都开始变得更加公开. 如果你谷歌一下, 例如, "US News and World Report methodology,“大多数患者现在可以访问一个网站,这些网站仍然以患者可以从中获得一些东西的方式为导向,然后点击查看是否有意义, actual measures of care that are part of these scorecards.

面试官: 因此,犹他大学医疗保健最近在Vizient质量和责任研究中排名第一. 这个好吗?

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 好吧,当然是. 大发娱乐是第一名.

面试官: 但到目前为止你一直对我很坦诚所以我知道你也会对我坦诚的.

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 是的,绝对. 大发娱乐实际上, 每年, go through and look at all these merit badges as an organization, 而且非常详细, we go through a process to say, “作为一个组织,大发娱乐应该专注于大发娱乐大发娱乐的组织变得更好,这是正确的吗?" Vizient is one where we have been particularly enamored by, 如果你愿意, over the last seven years or so. 原因是它完全是衡量更好护理的客观指标:整个企业的存活率, not just one or two areas; a broader range of complication rates, broad range of patient-reported feedback about the experience of their care, 护理费用, 护理效率.

它使大发娱乐能够与大发娱乐的同行进行基准测试,这样大发娱乐就知道了, “嗯, how are we doing compared to other really well-known health systems, like Johns Hopkins or the Mayo Clinic?“对大发娱乐来说,这确实让大发娱乐了解到大发娱乐的机会在哪里.

面试官: 因此,听起来奖项或排名的质量与他们首先衡量的是什么有很大关系. And you talked about some meaningful versus not-so-meaningful metrics. 听起来除了更复杂的事情外,它们也适用于日常护理. 就像我想的那样, 我认为, “嗯, if I'm getting a knee replacement, then I'm really going to want to pay attention to these ratings." But it sounds like day-to-day stuff's included in these as well.

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 它. And the true day-to-day stuff for healthy people like you or I, 谁在诊所接受治疗,大发娱乐可能在任何一年都不会进入医院急诊科的墙, Vizient在评估门诊护理方面也处于领先地位, 那种普通的关怀. 它将成为大发娱乐排名第一的那个很好的伙伴, which is still focused more on acute care. 所以我很兴奋,因为我认为更有意义的衡量卫生系统, the more transparent that is to patients, the more we can engage in actually making things better, which is what we're in the business for.

面试官: Are there any other ones that are worth looking at?

Dr. 彭德尔顿: I think one that has gotten a lot of popular press is Medicare. 因此,医疗保险已经收集了数据,并通过一整套有意义的指标,得出了他们自己的五星级评级. 目前,我认为对病人来说,这是另一个有用的方法. 但它的局限性在于有时它会比较苹果和橘子. So, 举个例子, a large tertiary care academic medical center, 比如犹他大学, 在纽约有一个中心只做髋关节置换手术. And those are two very different missions in how they deliver care. 所以,除了这些警告之外,还有一个我认为很有意义的.

面试官: So, 在这一切的最后, are these different rankings, you do find that some of them do have value and would have value to a patient?

Dr. 彭德尔顿: 绝对. 我认为,随着医疗保健包括大发娱乐如何思考和衡量大发娱乐大发娱乐提供的医疗服务,它将继续发展并变得更好, these rankings similarly continue to evolve and get more and more meaningful.

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