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Diarrhea is a not-so-pleasant condition we have all experienced at one point or another. But what should you do if it lasts longer than a day? 急诊室医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森 talks about how to treat the problem of diarrhea and what symptoms mean you should seek your doctor’s help.


面试官: 如果你腹泻了该怎么办? 大发娱乐将在接下来的节目中找到答案.

播音员: This is From the Frontlines, with 急诊室 physician Dr. 特洛伊马德森在范围报道.

面试官: Dr. 特洛伊·马德森是一名 急诊室 犹他健康大学的内科医生. Let's talk about diarrhea and what should somebody do if they start having diarrhea? 他们应该服用一些药物吗? 他们应该去看医生吗? 他们应该什么时候开始担心呢?

Dr. 马德森: So diarrhea is obviously not the most pleasant topic. It's something probably all of us have dealt with at some point or another. But it's one of those things where you kind of have to give it time. And we do occasionally have people who come to the ER who have had diarrhea for say 12 hours or so. 他们非常担心. 而且它们看起来并不特别脱水, they've been able to drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated. They don't have other medical issues that would make them more likely to get really dehydrated. 这些是你们知道的情况, you really want to give it some time to see what happens.


因为大多数情况下腹泻, assuming it's from some sort of a bug or maybe something you ate, 会在24小时内好起来吗. 也许会持续两天, 可能最多三天, 但即使有人来到急诊室说, “我已经腹泻两三天了." And I look at them and it's not like their lips look really dry and their eyes look sunken or they look like they're just really dehydrated. And they're not the kind of person who has lots of medical issues that would make them more likely to get dehydrated. I say, well, not a lot of testing we really need to do here. We don't really need to test for really unusual infections. You're probably going to get better within a day and usually it does.

So if you're someone who has diarrhea I'd say, give it a couple of days. 多喝水. 你可以试试喝电解质饮料. 这些可能会有所大发娱乐,并产生影响. You're not losing lots of electrolytes, which can be an issue. 但如果持续的时间比这长.

Have You Been Traveling, Camping, or Have a New Pet?

If you're getting beyond three days and maybe into four or five days and maybe you've been camping recently. Or you've been swimming in mountain streams or lakes or drinking from mountain streams. 或者你有了一个新宠物. Or you have a pet turtle you found out while you were traveling and you pulled it out of a stream. These unusual things that would set you up for something more serious like giardia or salmonella. Things where we start to think about unusual infections. Those would be cases to come to the ER or see your doctor and get tested for that.

面试官: 所以一般, 直到大约两天, if somebody came into the ER you wouldn't run many tests if they looked healthy and they weren't at high risk of something else, 你只要让他们等着瞧?

Dr. 马德森: 最有可能的. I mean the reality of the ER there is the dynamics of the ER where the fact that someone comes in the door they often just get testing done. 但这通常不是必要的.


面试官: So if it was a family member you would say just wait it out for another day or so?

Dr. 马德森: 我将. If a family member called me and said I've had diarrhea for a day or two I'd say wait it out. 我会问他们是否有血性腹泻? 这引起了我的担忧. But most of these cases people are just having kind of normal diarrhea. 只是排便频繁. Watery, they're not describing blood in their bowel movements. If you're seeing those sorts of things, that's going to change things a bit. 但是典型的腹泻. 再等几天.

面试官: Would you recommend taking any sort of antidiarrheal?

Dr. 马德森: If we're worried about an infection like salmonella. So those unusual cases where let's say you've had recent 国外旅行 or you have had recent exposure to mountain streams and you're drinking from mountain streams or swimming in lakes. There we're hesitant to say use something like Imodium. Just because people that have those infections can then become chronic carriers of the disease or it can make things worse. But in the average case of diarrhea where those are not a concern, I think Imodium is perfectly fine. 我不认为有什么问题. If it can help you get through the day, get through work, whatever you have to do. 这没有问题.


Again we're talking here about the average person who doesn't have a lot of medical issues. Times where you would be more concerned about diarrhea. 即使过一两天也会 . . . If you do have some medical problems that make you more prone to 脱水. 也许你可以吃一颗水丸. Something for heart failure or for kidney issues that takes water off. 然后你会因为腹泻而失去水分. 也许你开始感到头晕. 或者你感到头晕. These would all be things where 我将 say where 我将 say yeah, you need to come to the ER. 你可能需要一些静脉输液. 大发娱乐可能需要给你补充水分.

还有非常小的孩子. 如果他们真的没有很好地补充水分. 当他们哭的时候,他们不是在流泪. 他们的眼睛凹陷了. 你看看他们的嘴,他们的嘴唇看起来很干. Again, reasons to go to the ER even after maybe even 12 to 24 hours of diarrhea.

面试官: 听起来很常见 脱水 你最担心的是?

Dr. 马德森: 完全, 脱水 and then along with that electrolyte abnormalities where you can lose electrolytes with the diarrhea.

面试官: 好了,小心这些东西. 思考, have I done anything strange or unusual recently that might be the cause of this that could be a little bit more insidious. 否则就等着吧.

Dr. 马德森: 没错,给点时间. 事情会顺其自然的. 你可能在一两天内就会好起来.

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