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Severe grief or disruption can cause anyone to cry, and that’s normal. Prolonged crying that persists without reason is not normal and may indicate a serious condition requiring treatment. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones talks about tears, crying, and emotions that are uniquely human.


播音员: Questions every woman wonders about her health, body, and mind. 这是“我正常吗??——来自范围.

Dr. 琼斯: There are very 悲伤的 things that happen in some... 在每个人的生活中. We are all going to go through a time where we experience grief because of either a situation or a 失去所爱的人. I am a fertility doctor and I see women who are trying desperately to have a child and they are working at it everyday, 然后测量它们的温度, 或者他们正在服药. And they are tearful everyday because everyday in our community here in Salt Lake, you're reminded that you're not a mother because there are children and babies everywhere.

Acute Grief, Chronic Grief, Depression, Sadness

So, 问题是, 你的生活怎么了, and is this something that you're having difficulty managing? 有严重的悲伤. 有慢性悲伤. There's depression and there's sentimental. So, chronic grief is an ongoing reminder that something is bad in your life. 所以,我认为我的 不孕不育 patients are the most likely and understandably to be tearful most days when they're reminded everyday by both their therapy or by their environment that they're struggling and not succeeding. There are ways to help you deal with that. And I think that if it is interfering with your day-to-day life, 你的治疗或你的关系, that kind of chronic 悲伤的ness over situations, 能得到大发娱乐吗?.

有强烈的悲伤,就像在悲伤中 失去所爱的人. You get about six weeks so that you're not crying everyday and six months before you're back to yourself. If you aren't back to yourself in six months, that's what we call complicated grief. And that's where therapy would be important. So, crying everyday over the loss of your son or the loss of your parent after six months is a complicated grief and that's where therapy or even medication would be indicated.

So we have people who are situationally 悲伤的. Their character and their biology is healthy, but the situation is awful and it keeps being reminded how awful it is. There is a situation's acutely awful, but you get over it and that's acute grief.


There are people who cry everyday for no particularly good reason, who are truly 悲伤的. And if you are tearful everyday over activities that are normal in your life, that may be depression. And that's not normal and it is treatable. 我想是在犹他州, we tend sometimes to go to medicines first, 但有一些很好的证据表明 行为疗法 works as well as medicine and it's probably more sustaining in the long run.

So, 如果你感到绝望, 无助的, 悲伤的, 和泪流满面的, 你从日常生活中得不到快乐, you've noticed that you've lost your appetite, 或者你吃得太多了, you're not sleeping well and you're tearful all the time for not any acute, 新的理由, that's very likely to be depression and some kind of intervention is indicated.


Then, there is what I call sensitive or sentimental. So, on any given day, I would say, I tear up because I see something that makes my heart soft. It might be a McDonald's commercial with kids in it, 也可能是看到一个孩子, and it usually has something to do with children or animals, 我在哪里泪流满面. 那是因为我的心很充实. Human beings may be the only species that cries. 大发娱乐为什么要哭呢? 好吧, crying is a way of letting others in our community know that we are emotionally full, 这可能很可悲. 我生气的时候也会哭. 我伤感的时候就会哭. So, we use tears to advertise our inner state. 没有别的动物真的会哭. Animals do cry out, meaning they vocalize their unhappiness. And a dog can be horribly, horribly unhappy, but they don't cry tears.

So, tears are an advertisement that's uniquely human. So, we may become tearful because we are offered up in a Madison Avenue, slick way something that's very sentimental. 它触动了大发娱乐的按钮. 毫无疑问,大发娱乐会泪流满面, 不是说大发娱乐难过, but we're feeling that our hearts are full or we're sentimental.

现在, women are more likely to tear up than men, because we may be more sensitive to emotional states biologically. We certainly are more likely to tear up culturally. 男人被告知不要哭泣. 大男孩不哭. 所以,他们不太可能流泪. 今年是父亲节, we'll see when that beautiful card that the three-year-old made for Daddy if the daddy tears up a little, 不是因为他伤心, 不是因为他抑郁, 而是因为他感情用事.

所以,这就是关于眼泪的秘密. There're good tears of happiness, tears of being sentimental. 我想,这是愤怒的泪水. There are complex tears because you've lost something important. And complex grief or crying for no good reason that isn't sentimental, 大发娱乐可以帮忙, 在犹他大学健康中心.

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