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ER or Not: I Slipped and Fell on the Ice

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ER or Not: I Slipped and Fell on the Ice

Jan 11, 2019

每年的这个时候,滑倒在冰上并不罕见. If you do, should you go to the ER? Emergency medicine physician Dr. Troy Madsen 回答了这个问题,也告诉了你他会如何尝试摔倒以减少潜在的伤害.

Episode Transcript

Announcer: 严重到需要去急诊室吗? Find out now. This is ER or Not on, The Scope.

Interviewer: 好了,又到了下一集《大发娱乐》的时间了,在这个游戏中大发娱乐会问. 大发娱乐急诊科医生特洛伊·马德森说,如果发生了什么事情,大发娱乐是否应该去急诊室. Play along at home. Dr. Madsen, I slipped on the ice. A lot of that going on right now.

Dr. Troy Madsen: A lot of it.

Interviewer: 你会看到犹他州的冰雪融化. I slipped on the ice and I fell. ER or Not?

Dr. Troy Madsen: 这取决于你发生了什么. 所以当你滑倒时,有很多不同的东西可能会受伤. 这是你的头,这是你的背,这是你的臀部,这是你的腿,这是你的手臂. So all of these things. . .

Interviewer: You forgot about your wrists. . .

Dr. Troy Madsen: And your wrists.

Interviewer: And your elbows.

Dr. Troy Madsen: And elbows, exactly. 所以有很多不同的事情都可能成为问题. 所以你的头,如果你撞到了头,你没有被撞晕,你可能没事. The exception being, if you are older. If you are older than 65, 你需要去急诊室,因为你脑出血的风险更高. Or, if you are on blood thinners. If you're on Warfarin, Clopidogrel, aspirin, 这些药物可以稀释血液, 你出血的风险更高,应该去急诊室扫描一下你的头部.

Interviewer: 所以任何形式的头部接触地面,即使你觉得很轻微.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah, 如果你下来,如果你是一个老人从站立的位置下来, 他们有患这些疾病的风险, but the average person, if you don't get knocked out, you're probably okay. 如果你真的晕过去了,就来急诊室.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 接下来大发娱乐要考虑的是背部, 这就是大发娱乐看到的这些滑倒的大问题. 大发娱乐看到很多背部受伤和臀部受伤, 因为大多数人都是臀部着地的. Come down really hard, 他们可能会撞到臀部,使其骨折或脱臼, 或者他们会造成所谓的背部压缩性骨折, where basically you take all this force, 你往下推背部,通常大发娱乐看到的是在背部下部,所有的力都是向下的, 基本上就是压缩了椎骨. So if you fall down, you hit your back, 或者直接用臀部着地,然后背部疼痛, great reason to come to the ER, 给你的背部或臀部拍个x光片.

Interviewer: All right. What are some of the other concerns?

Dr. Troy Madsen: 其他的问题是前臂和手腕,就像你说的. That's a big thing we see too, because people are coming down, they reach out to stop themselves, you've got all that force, 你所有的体重都可能落在你的前臂上, 通常如果你的前臂骨折了, 你至少会有一个想法,因为这很伤人.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: You may look deformed to you, but if you do come down on your forearm, you're having a lot of tenderness and pain there; again, worth getting an x-ray of that.

Interviewer: What about, like, elbows?

Dr. Troy Madsen: 所以肘部可能,大发娱乐不经常看到. 我想大多数人都会先把手伸出来. But yeah, if you're having tenderness in your elbow, 任何骨质压痛之类的情况通常都需要做x光检查.

Interviewer: So have we hit all the areas?

Dr. Troy Madsen: 你知道,你可能会撞到膝盖或扭伤脚踝. 这些都是大发娱乐不常看到的. Usually after an injury, 如果你能站起来走路,把重量压在上面,你在推膝盖或脚踝的骨头,那就不那么疼了, you should be okay.

Interviewer: Okay. Is there a correct way to fall? First of all, falls are scary.

Dr. Troy Madsen: They are.

Interviewer: 大发娱乐谈了那么多,你却列举了一长串. . .

Dr. Troy Madsen: Exactly.

Interviewer: . . .parts of your body that could suffer.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah. You're exactly right. 所以有很多不同的东西会受到影响. 如果是我倒下,我试着思考, okay if I'm going to hurt anything, I would want that thing to be my forearm.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 我不希望背部受伤,因为背部骨折有潜在的问题. 我不想撞到我的头,因为那里有非常严重的问题. 所以如果我要下去,我会伸出一只胳膊, try and catch myself, if I break my forearm, okay, 我得戴上四到六周的石膏. 如果我摔断了背,情况通常会更糟.

Interviewer: 所以我经常听到滑雪者或单板滑雪者, when you fall, 你应该试着让整个前臂着地.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Oh yeah.

Interviewer: Because that spreads out the. . .

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah. If you can do that.

Interviewer: Sure.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah. 这是一个合理的方法,如果你能这样做,甚至是在你下来的时候快速地让自己适应, 你的前臂或者你的手抓住它的第一部分然后你把它往下拉至少一部分力, 让你的手肘更靠下. I don't know. 很难去想清楚,如果你. . .

Interviewer: Sure.

Dr. Troy Madsen: . . .if you're slipping.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 但如果你至少能想清楚, 无论你能做什么来分配这个力,所以它不是全部在一个部分上.

Announcer: 对医疗程序有疑问吗? 想了解更多关于健康状况的知识? With over 2,与大发娱乐的医生和专家进行了000次访谈, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. Check it out at

updated: January 11, 2019
originally published: December 19, 2013