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How to Relieve Allergy Symptoms

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How to Relieve Allergy Symptoms

Apr 18, 2019

Itchy eyes. Runny nose. Difficulty breathing. Allergies can make you miserable. Dr. Tom Miller 讨论你需要知道的关于过敏的一切. Learn how to prevent your symptoms, relieve the discomfort, and what treatment options are best for you.

Episode Transcript

Announcer: 由研究支持的专家大发娱乐提供的健康信息. 这是来自犹他大学健康中心的

Interviewer: All right. Here's a scenario, Dr. Miller. 一个病人因为流鼻涕、打喷嚏、流泪、喉咙发痒而来找你. Okay? So you suspect seasonal allergies. What do you do to help them? Maybe I should back up. Are those the symptoms of allergies? Did we hit all of them?

Dr. Miller: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. 流鼻涕,打喷嚏,眼睛发痒,耳朵发痒,喉咙后部发痒,鼻后滴涕. Basically, these are, and especially the time of year, 所以如果是秋天和春天,当你有很多花粉.

Interviewer: That's like bingo.

Dr. Miller: Yeah. Ragweed in the fall, things like that.

Interviewer: Gotcha.

Dr. Miller: People get allergies.

Interviewer: 一般来说,你能把这些症状和感冒区分开来吗?

Dr. Miller: Yes. Generally, you can. 感冒会让你感到发痒、不舒服. You'll have some of the same symptoms, like postnasal drip, 但你不会觉得眼睛和鼻子发痒. And it just feels uncomfortable. 大多数人都能区分上呼吸道感染和过敏.

Interviewer: Yeah, I feel that I'm an allergy sufferer. I feel like I can usually when it comes on. So we've hit the signs, right? 这些都是你遭受某种季节性过敏的一些迹象.

Dr. Miller: Well, 另一件事是你可以看到花粉的数量, like in the spring and fall, 当它们开始上升时,你会看到越来越多的人有过敏问题.

Interviewer: And you see a lot of this sort of thing?

Dr. Miller: We do.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Miller: We do quite a bit.

Interviewer: So, since you see a lot of it, 如果病人生病了,厌倦了痛苦,你可能有一个例行程序来大发娱乐他们?

Dr. Miller: Yeah. 首先,你必须做出诊断,所以你要听取病史. 所以,正如大发娱乐所说,如果他们出现这些症状,那就是一年中的正确时间. Yes. 你可以说这些是季节性过敏然后你开始谈论治疗. Avoidance is the best treatment. 所以,如果你能躲在空旷的地方,那里有很多high . . . 或者你的花粉量很高,如果可能的话,远离它. 很多时候这是不可能的,但这是最好的事情.

Also, 适合那些在院子里工作,锻炼或修剪草坪的人, 如果他们因为花粉中的抗原而出现症状, these particles are on their skin, which trigger the allergic reaction, you should go home, change your clothes, take a shower, wash it off, clean off the antigens.

Interviewer: All right.

Dr. Miller: That'll be the first thing to do.

Interviewer: So avoid it if you have to be out in it. Clean it off as soon as is feasible. What about putting one of those masks on?

Dr. Miller: Right. 所以你有时会看到园丁戴着那种面具.

Interviewer: They're effective.

Dr. Miller: They are effective. They're partly effective. They're not a 100% effective, 但它们比仅仅吸入颗粒物要好, 哪些会引起很多人的过敏反应, 尤其是大量的,就像你在园丁身上看到的那样, lawn care people.

Interviewer: Okay. 所以,如果我不采取措施,过敏可能会随着时间的推移变得更严重吗?

Dr. Miller: In fact, they do. So some people will start out, 尤其是当你年轻的时候,你会有一些问题,随着时间的推移,你的身体变得更加敏感,每次接触到它们都会产生更强烈的过敏反应,这些问题可能会变得更糟.

Interviewer: 这与我做什么或不做什么无关因为大多数治疗都不是围绕着缓解症状展开的? Like there's no cure for allergies.

Dr. Miller: There isn't a cure per se. 虽然如果你最后打了脱敏针, 它们很多时候有助于减轻过敏反应的负担,有时甚至完全消除过敏反应. 人们对花粉和其他微粒有非常严重的过敏反应,你无法摆脱这些触发因素. 有时这些过敏疫苗一开始是低剂量的然后随着时间的推移增加剂量这样你的免疫系统就会习惯了. That's the theory behind it. That can actually be pretty helpful. So, in that sense, for some people, yes. The treatment can make it go away.

Interviewer: 但我觉得我有点超前了,因为小时候我有很多投篮机会. 我个人在这方面并没有取得很大的成功,尽管人们确实取得了成功. I ignored my symptoms for many, many years, 最后我病得很重,我又去看了医生,医生说, "Well, 在目前的治疗方案中,打针是很少的."

Dr. Miller: Down the road. That's right.

Interviewer: There's a lot of stuff you can do before that. 那么你会做些什么呢?

Dr. Miller: Well, interestingly, 现在有很多药物对那些对花粉和微粒有轻度到中度过敏反应的人非常有效. 基本上,你可以使用抗组胺药,这是一种口服的药片. And there's a couple of kinds. 老的抗组胺药有一些副作用. 它们会让人困倦、昏昏欲睡、疲劳. They tend to work pretty well. 那就是他们抑制瘙痒,打喷嚏,喉咙发痒等等. 但他们有一种新的抗组胺药,没有镇静作用, 它们在抑制症状方面效果很好, 而且它们不会像一些人服用老的抗组胺药那样给你带来巨大的疲劳.

Interviewer: And that's in a pill form?

Dr. Miller: That is in a pill form.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Miller: The other thing that we've moved to, 特别是对于打喷嚏和鼻炎,大多数人得到这些过敏是鼻腔喷雾剂, very mild doses of steroids in nasal sprays. And you spray that in on a daily basis, 它基本上只是冷却鼻窦内壁,对防止打喷嚏、瘙痒和喉咙沙哑非常有效, that kind of thing. 他们也有类似的眼药水,供那些在过敏季节眼睛发痒的人使用.

Interviewer: 我没有想到,但就像鼻喷雾剂一样,这是我使用的. I've had great success with them.

Dr. Miller: They work pretty darn well for most people.

Interviewer: 但你刚才说的话引起了我的兴趣. 这主要是治疗打喷嚏的症状,也许还有一些瘙痒?

Dr. Miller: Correct. It doesn't really work for the eyes. 这就是你说的鼻腔喷雾剂. So they make drops. 它们含有一些相同的药物,你可以使用它们.

Interviewer: 抗组胺药能治疗所有症状吗?

Dr. Miller: Yes. They do.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Miller: 所以在过敏季节对于有中度症状的人来说, 你会发现鼻腔喷雾剂和口服抗组胺药都能缓解症状, 尤其是每天服用的非镇静性抗组胺药. 所以,如果你愿意的话,在那个季节,它们就会漆起来.

然后再一次,试着远离触发点. 对宠物过敏的人尤其如此. We haven't talked about that yet, but some people are allergic to cats, 虽然他们喜欢在猫经过的时候抓猫,然后马上揉他们的眼睛,突然之间他们就疯了. So the key there is avoidance. And for some people, unfortunately, they discover that they are allergic to pets, and in severe cases, 他们必须把宠物送到亲戚或其他人那里. And that's unfortunate. 当人们依恋他们的宠物时,这真的很难做到. 所以第二件最好的事情就是在你抚摸动物之后洗手. 但你的房子里到处都是皮屑,这会让人生气.

Interviewer: We talked about some nasal histamines. Do you need to start taking those like, say, 当草开始生长时,我的过敏症就会发作. 实际上,对于任何一种,我是需要开始增加剂量,还是需要的时候就服用?

Dr. Miller: That's a good question. So, basically, 如果你预计在某个季节会有一段时间的过敏,或者你打算出去园艺, 在出发前一两天做好准备是个好主意.

Interviewer: Oh, so just a day or two?

Dr. Miller: 特别是如果你要让自己暴露在高花粉量的环境中. 所以提前两天开始服用抗组胺药, 在开始使用鼻喷雾剂的前一天,可能是三天, 因为药物需要几天的时间才能达到最大效果.

Interviewer: So, 对我和我的猫过敏还有我的岳母养猫, 在我去拜访之前的三四天,这是我想做的?

Dr. Miller: Either that or . . . well, 我不会说不要去看她,因为那可能是不可能的,或者没有一个中立的空间,你可以去看她,而猫不会和她一起去.

Interviewer: Sure. That's fair enough. All right. Have we covered everything? 我试着从一个过敏的人的角度来思考如果我觉得大发娱乐有.

Dr. Miller: I do want to mention one thing. 所以有些人使用非处方的减充血药. Medications that actually dry out the mucosa. 它们和我说的鼻腔喷雾剂不一样. They're steroid-based. So, 当你去药店买一种叫做减充血剂的东西时, especially a decongestant nasal spray, 大发娱乐发现如果它们被使用超过三个, four days in a row, 你可能会产生一种反弹现象,使你对那种药物上瘾. 所以大发娱乐建议人们不要用减充血剂治疗过敏.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Miller: 所以要坚持使用类固醇鼻腔喷雾剂和一线抗组胺药, 如果你能忍受它们或者更常见的是非镇静性抗组胺药.

Interviewer: 事实上,你知道吗,作为一个过敏患者,你引发了另一个问题. 我能去买点非处方药吗? 我知道等价的氟化酶现在可以买到非处方药.

Dr. Miller: Yeah. 我说的这些东西都是非处方药.

Interviewer: 所以你甚至不需要因为这些事情去看医生?

Dr. Miller: No. You can try those. 特别是现在有了互联网,你可以上网看看,如果你有一个合理的来源来阅读你可以用什么来治疗你的过敏, 你可以联合使用鼻腔类固醇或者抗组胺药或者两者都用. 再一次,我认为最简单的事情是,如果你能避免触发因素,那是最好的事情. 但是,很多人不能,你必须在外面.

Interviewer: All right. 所以,如果有人尝试非处方药,他们得到缓解,很好. If not, what's the next step at that point? When do you want to go see a doctor?

Dr. Miller: So, one, 如果你几乎每天都有这些症状,这些症状导致疲劳,或者如果你错过了工作,如果你的睡眠受到这些过敏的影响, 你会在晚上熬夜打喷嚏,你会在面巾纸盒前来回走动, it's probably time to go to the physician. 他们要做的第一件事是看你是否取最大值, not a maximal, 但是大发娱乐之前说过的适量的非处方药, whether you're using them appropriately.

And if that's not working, 那么下一步就是使用处方药了, 哪些更有效,可以抑制过敏反应. Again, 你可能最终会进行测试,因为测试可以大发娱乐你确定你可能想要避免的过敏原触发因素. Once you know that, 当你接触到过敏原时,可能更容易弄清楚你接触到过敏原后该怎么做,或者如何防止接触.

Announcer: Have a question about a medical procedure? Want to learn more about a health condition? With over 2,与大发娱乐的医生和专家进行了000次访谈, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. Check it out at