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Things to Consider When Considering a Facelift

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Things to Consider When Considering a Facelift

Oct 02, 2019

对于那些想要紧致下颌周围或脸部其他部位皮肤的人来说,面部拉皮是一种手术选择, usually to look younger. 有很多类型的整容手术,但整容不一定适合所有人. Plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Cerrati 本文讨论了在做整容手术之前需要考虑的一些事情,以及如何知道你是否是整容的合适人选.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: What to know if you're considering a facelift. That's coming up next on The Scope.

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Interviewer: Dr. Eric Cerrati是犹他健康大学的整形外科医生,他的专业是 cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and neck. And if you're thinking about having a face lift, hopefully we'll answer some of the questions that you might have.

So why do patients consider a facelift? 是什么让他们做出决定,那是他们想要追求的东西?

Dr. Cerrati: So a lot of times it's a patient, 到了中年,他们开始注意到下巴的凹陷或者下巴上多余的皮肤. That's really kind of the first signs that people are looking at.

Interviewer: And when one says facelift, 大发娱乐要解决的问题是大发娱乐所说的那种普遍的咬牙切齿吗, or does facelift encompass other things?

Dr. Cerrati: The most common thing is facelift will redefine the jawline. That's really the main target area, under the chin and along the jaw.

Interviewer: All right. And when somebody comes in and you do an evaluation, which is what you recommend, that you see a specialist, how do you help determine if they're a candidate for it or not?

Dr. Cerrati: 首先,这是一个选择性手术,所以病人需要 medically fit for the procedure. 然后当你观察身体习惯以确保病人没有体重变化或类似的事情, 确保你能给他一个持久的结果,让他们满意. And a lot of it does have to do with patient selection. 你要确保他们的希望和愿望是你能实现的.

Interviewer: 当然,他们所要求的是可以做到的.

Dr. Cerrati: Exactly.

Types of Facelifts: Trust Your Surgeon

Interviewer: So what can't facelifts do? Do you get patients coming to you that say, "I want a facelift,“他们试图完成一些根本无法完成的事情?

Dr. Cerrati: Absolutely. 这是颈部的解剖结构和颈部的结构有些病人更, say, ideal candidates for a facelift and some that are not, in which case you can't get a very defined jawline.

Interviewer: 所以有很多不同类型的整容手术和整容的方法. 当一个病人进来,开始问你这些不同的事情, how do you walk them through that process?

Dr. Cerrati: So you can go through all the different types of facelifts比如皮肤,处理底层组织之类的. 但实际上,所有这些对病人来说都不一定重要. 病人需要熟悉他们的外科医生,并确保外科医生有适当的证书. 如果外科医生有相同的审美观并且能达到病人想要的目标, 他们使用的方法不一定是最重要的.

Interviewer: Got you. So a lot of times you're kind of explaining that, I'd imagine.

Dr. Cerrati: Exactly.

Surgery and Recovery Time

Interviewer: So somebody wants to get a facelift. What does that kind of look like? 我可以想象,如果他们已经很健康了,就不会有很多准备工作. They would come in, have the procedure. How long does it normally take?

Dr. Cerrati: So the procedure can last anywhere between, I don't know, say two and a half to four and a half hours. 所有的切口都隐藏在发际线后面和耳朵周围. After a couple weeks, those incisions are very hard to see. And for me, 我确实会在术前做一些计划,尽量减少任何类型的瘀伤,并在整个过程中大发娱乐病人. At the end of the day, 这是一个选择性的程序,这些病人不想感到不舒服,有一个漫长的, drawn-out post-operative course.

所以在手术前我做了很多事情来大发娱乐病人渡过难关,尽量减少. 我也不喜欢用排水管和长时间的敷料之类的东西, 这样病人就能尽快恢复日常生活.

Interviewer: Is there kind of a range in there? Does it really vary depending on what procedure's been done?

Dr. Cerrati: It really varies, 但我通常会告诉患者,两到三周后他们就会恢复到手术前的状态.

Interviewer: And if you go back to work, 人们是否能够在那个时候看到你做了一些事情的明显迹象?

Dr. Cerrati: 所以大约两周后,很多肿胀和瘀伤都消退了. The incisions may be slightly red, 但患者在两周后就能真正恢复正常生活. At that time they can also. . . 第一周之后你就可以真正化妆了,所以很多妆都可以隐藏起来.

Lasting Results

Interviewer: Got you. And the results, do they last? For how long?

Dr. Cerrati: So depending on the approach, if you address the underlying deeper tissues, usually the results last about 10 years, is kind of the ballpark range. 这是因为老化过程和重力作用,它还在继续. So even though you've had the procedure, the aging process continues.

Choosing a Surgeon

Interviewer: 选择合适的医生做拉皮手术非常重要,因为那是你的脸. 所以人们怎么知道他们有一个人真的会为他们做得很好?

Dr. Cerrati: 所以我要说的第一件事就是病人应该做好自己的功课. They should look to see who the surgeons are, 他们在哪里接受的培训,他们通过什么途径成为一名整形外科医生,为别人做面部手术.

Interviewer: 一般来说有没有什么证书是你应该确保外科医生具备的?

Dr. Cerrati: Absolutely. 那么美国整形外科委员会是否会监督整形外科的住院医师. 获得了美国面部整形与重建外科学会的奖学金, and that's also a board certification as well. And those are really the two main ones.

Interviewer: 你的观点是,你应该找一个两者都有的人?

Dr. Cerrati: Either one of those.

Interviewer: Oh, either one of those?

Dr. Cerrati: Those are two separate pathways.

Interviewer: They're two separate things. Got you.

Dr. Cerrati: So for myself, 我获得了美国面部整形与重建外科学会的奖学金.

Interviewer: 如果他们没有这些途径之一,那么也许要小心一点?

Dr. Cerrati: I would raise a red flag.

Interviewer: All right. And ask some more questions at that point?

Dr. Cerrati: Absolutely. 除了资质,你应该和你的外科医生相处得很舒服. Even after the initial consultation you don't have a great feeling, go back and visit the office again. 在你做任何手术之前一定要确保你对手术满意并且你确信外科医生能给你想要的结果.

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