When to Seek Treatment for Knee 受伤 in Young Athletes

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When to Seek Treatment for Knee 受伤 in Young Athletes


Knee injuries are extremely common for young athletes in any sport. 不管它是来自一个重击还是一个糟糕的支点, many knee injuries can be serious and may need immediate treatment. 运动医学医师 Dr. 茱莉亚•罗林斯 explains what symptoms you need to be on the lookout for to make sure your athlete can get back in the game.

面试官: 如何处理膝盖受伤. Dr. 茱莉亚•罗林斯 practices primary care sports medicine and also pediatric emergency medicine, and she is 一个 of the physicians that you would find at the walk-in orthopedic clinic at University of Utah Health. I wanted to talk about knee injuries and young athletes actually. What are some common ways that young athletes can injure their knees? 你看到了哪些具体的运动或活动?


Dr. 罗林斯: 是的. So it's really common to have a knee injury when you're playing sports, particularly contact sports. 但严重的伤害,包括 ACL,不必总是从接触. 所以大发娱乐通常会看到急性的膝盖损伤, 这意味着它们是由创伤引起的, when you're doing an activity where there's either contact or you change directions quickly, 所以你在旋转, 你改变, 你在改变你的体重, and the knee can kind of buckle on you and get injured. In people that do more endurance-type sports, like cross country runners, we tend to see more 慢性膝关节疼痛 只是因为过度使用.

面试官: 让你. So you kind of covered some of the common injuries to the knee. What could be handled at home without a clinic visit? And 然后 we'll get to when you should perhaps consider coming in.


Dr. 罗林斯: 是的. 从急性损伤开始, meaning that's something you were out doing your sport, 你在做什么, 突然间,你感觉到膝盖砰的一声, 或者你扭曲了它, 或者发生了什么事. A couple of clues that I would give to go ahead and come in to be seen is, 一个, 如果你用腿走路有困难, 然后 we would really like you to be seen so一个r rather than later. We'd like to get X-rays and 确保没有什么东西坏了 and 然后 do a good examine and check out the ligaments and the meniscus of the knee.

另一个线索是你的膝盖是否肿得很厉害, 然后 that means that there's something significant going on in your knee that should be seen so一个r rather than later. Two more other clues, things that I like to ask people about and look for. 如果你感觉膝盖在你下面弯曲, 当你走路的时候,它会衰竭, 然后 there's the potential that every time it buckles, 大发娱乐造成了更大的破坏. 

And in that case, we'd like to get you on crutches and get you into a knee brace. 或者膝盖卡住了, meaning you can't bend it or you can't straighten it very well without kind of forcing it, those are all things that we'd want to see you so一个r rather than later for.

面试官: And 然后 when somebody comes into the clinic with some of those more serious symptoms, 如你所说, 诊所是做什么的?


Dr. 罗林斯: 是的. 如果你有, 说, a big swollen knee and we're worried about bigger injuries to the ACL or to the meniscus, 差不多就是这样, 大发娱乐通常会从x光开始, 确保没有什么东西坏了, 然后大发娱乐会做检查, 感受一下大发娱乐认为正在发生的事情, and 然后 generally get you set up in a knee brace that's appropriate for the injury you have, 加上或减去拐杖. 然后通常, patients with significant injuries we'll get set up for an MRI to check out the soft tissue structures, 大发娱乐在x光上看不到, 然后得到一个明确的诊断. 然后根据大发娱乐在考试中看到的内容, we'll either get you set up with 一个 of the non-operative 运动医学大发娱乐提供者 或者大发娱乐的运动医学外科医生. My practice myself is I typically just let people know what their MRI shows, 然后取决于他们需要做什么, I'll 然后 schedule the appointment with the appropriate follow-up person.

面试官: 当人们进来的时候, how often would you 说 that they could just come into the clinic and that's kind of it? It's just going to take a little bit of rest, and they're going to recover from their injury.

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Dr. 罗林斯: You know, it depends a little bit, I think, on the age demographic. So we do see a fair amount of people that come in with an acute knee injury that have just flared arthritis, and they don't actually have an injury to the ligament or something that we would need to do an MRI or surgery for. 那些大发娱乐真正治疗的病人 物理治疗, 也许是类固醇注射, 让它们恢复正常运作, 希望, 这样大发娱乐就可以延长自己膝盖的寿命. 在这些情况下, 然后, 是的, all they need really is just that visit in the orthopedic injury clinic and 然后 a follow-up appointment down the road with a primary care sports medicine person or a sports medicine surgeon.

面试官: Are there any final thoughts you would want a listener to know about the clinic, 或者膝盖受伤, 以及如何处理或照顾它?

Dr. 罗林斯: 当我有疑问的时候,我肯定会这么想, especially when it's an injury that's happened within the last day or two, 请进. 大发娱乐很乐意看一看. And if you're getting a chronic injury from training for a marathon, 或者在孩子身上, 他们经常会受到生长板损伤, 再一次。, 如果是最近三个月发生的, we're happy to see you in injury clinic for more of a chronic developing problem as well.

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