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Oct 10, 2024

与食物保持良好的关系是很重要的——大发娱乐都知道这一点. But for a lot of people, “diet” can be a dirty word. How do you go on a diet without actually going on a diet? Registered dietitian Julie Metos 分享如何从头到尾坚持饮食计划的技巧, how to merge it into your daily schedule for the long run, 以及如何找到正确的方式来重新定义你与最适合你的食物的关系.

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    The Negative Perception of Diets

    Interviewer: For a lot of people, diet can be a dirty, four-letter word, 事实上,我相信现在和我谈话的人也会说同样的话,节食是肮脏的, four-letter word.

    大发娱乐正在采访犹他大学的注册营养师朱莉·梅托斯. Let's talk about changing your relationship with food. What does that mean?

    Julie: 好吧, like you said, 饮食是终极的四个字母的单词,即使我是一个营养师, 我真的认为人们与食物保持积极的关系很重要. 如果大发娱乐从积极的方向思考而不是谈论,大发娱乐往往会做得更好, feeling, and telling ourselves what we shouldn't eat.

    Shifting to a Positive Relationship with Food

    Interviewer: Like a restrictive sort of thing, yeah.

    Julie: A restrictive sense, who wants to do that? I mean, if I think about not eating M&Ms all day what do I want to do?

    Interviewer: 吃米&Ms all day.

    The Role of Self-Motivation in Changing Eating Habits

    Julie: Go and buy a whole full-pound bag, right? 所以,我喜欢把它想象成告诉你的大脑告诉自己该做什么. 如何做出积极的改变并融入一些行为心理学呢.

    So, maybe you tell yourself, "I really want to do this for myself," not because it's my 10-year reunion, or because my husband might like me better. You want to do it for yourself. And there's a reason you want to do it, because you like yourself, and because you want to make yourself feel better

    Starting Small: Make Positive Changes Now

    事实证明,人们只会做让自己感觉更好的事情. 如果某件事引起压力或痛苦,你就会远离它. So, what you want to do is think of it in a positive way. 另一个很好的建议是不要设定节食的日期,而是现在就开始, right this second, 此时此刻,做一些你认为可能会让你对食物感觉更好的事情. 这样做是为了让你有更多的精力照顾你的孩子,让你更乐观吗. 人们确实发现,如果他们吃得更好,他们的心理就会更健康. They kind of want to go to work, they want to exercise, 而且他们想做的事情都是基于健康的. I think that's a great way to start.

    Finding an Approach that Works

    Interviewer: So, if you don't use the word diet what word do you use?

    Julie: 营养师有各种可爱的说法所以大发娱乐不说节食. We say things like eating plan, your healthy lifestyle way of eating, but really we just whatever you want to do, just call it the way that you eat, Julie's Eating Plan. Anybody's eating plan, my own personal way of eating.

    所有owing Treats in Moderation

    Interviewer: 是啊,那你能不能偶尔吃点这些东西,在你的哲学下?

    Julie: Yes of course, 因为如果你不这样做,你就会成为一个限制饮食的人,你会自食其果. 好吧,所以你想每天都吃点小点心. 我曾经和一个每天都吃冰淇淋的营养师一起工作. The only trick was that she ate one spoonful. But it helped her get through the day, and she was saying, "I get to have whatever I want every day, my favorite food.“所以,如果你想每天都吃你最喜欢的食物,那很好. It just has to be little tiny amounts.

    Setting Realistic Goals and Adjusting Portions

    Interviewer: 所有 right. 让大发娱乐来谈谈如何开始这样的事情因为在某种程度上,你仍然需要考虑分量大小, and stuff like that.

    Julie: 是的,有一些基本的目标,所以每周写下几个目标是很好的. 所以,也许研究表明最好的开始方式是写下你吃的所有东西. So, you'd write down everything you eat for three days. 你看着它,像科学家一样思考,你会说,“哇,这太有趣了. I eat a candy bar every day at 2:30." Instead of saying, "Oh, bad me," bang yourself against the wall, your head against the wall, get really frustrated with yourself, say to yourself, “嗯, fascinating. I must be tired then. I must be hungry then. Maybe I should have an apple in my desk drawer."

    这是常识性的策略,但你说这些话的时候是在对自己好. You're not beating yourself up. You're kind of problem-solving day-to-day, 我敢打赌,你可以做到这一点,甚至不用花钱请人来帮你. You can kind of do it yourself.

    然后第二天你说:“嗯,我抽屉里有一个苹果,但我没有吃. I still went and got a candy bar. 嗯. Interesting. I must not like apples. 我还是试试别的吧"这样你就可以自己解决问题了.

    当然,你仍然需要一点动力? 因为你得有足够的动力去吃苹果. 但事实证明,如果你这样做了大约一个星期,你可能会养成一种习惯. You could, if you really tried. 也许如果你计划好了三点要做的事这样你就不能走到自动售货机那里了, all these little strategies, you're just kind of playing with yourself, 一次一小步地改变你的健康行为. We really find that works the best.

    The Importance of Specific Goals in Nutrition

    Interviewer: So, my goal, tell me if this is reasonable, my goal this, 实际上,我的新年决心是多喝水,多吃纤维.

    Julie: Hey, that is really good. That's really good because it's very specific, right? 你唯一能做的就是给它加上一个度规? So, how much water and how much fiber? So, how much water? Maybe you go for eight to 10 glasses a day, 或者就像我每次经过饮水机时对自己说的那样,我要去喝点水.

    对于纤维,你可能需要每天摄入25克. 我跟你打赌,如果你和大多数人一样,你大概是10到15岁. So, you're going to say to yourself, "好吧, 我打算写几天的饮食日记, look up the fiber content of the foods, see where I'm at, 然后在接下来的三个月里,我将努力增加到25个." Here's a tip: don't do it all at once. Painful.

    Interviewer: That's what I've heard.

    Julie: 好吧. 所以,在接下来的一个月里,每次只吃一点点,你应该能够适应.

    Interviewer: So, specific goals sounds like it's important as well.

    Julie: Specific.

    Interviewer: 为了更健康,你对改变与食物的关系有什么最后的想法吗?

    Julie: Keep it positive.


    updated: October 10, 2024
    originally published: January 27, 2014