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成长往往伴随着成长的烦恼. 儿科医生 Dr. 辛迪的假面 discusses why children of certain ages get body aches and what to expect when growing pains set in. She discusses how to help your child through these uncomfortable times and when to see a doctor if you suspect the pain isn’t normal.

Dr. 假面: 成长的烦恼. 你经常听到医生和父母谈论它们. But what are they, and as a parent, when should you worry about them? 我是博士. 辛迪·盖尔纳为您报道.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

Dr. 假面: Several times a month I have a child come in and the parents have the concern that the child has leg pain, mainly at night and it doesn't keep their child from playing during the day. 听起来很熟悉? 这些都是成长的烦恼. They're a normal occurrence in about 25% to 40% of children, and they generally strike in 2 periods -- in early childhood among the 3 to 5-year-olds and later in the 8 to 12-year-olds. 这也是孩子们快速成长的时期.
成长的烦恼 concentrate in the muscles rather than in the joints. So kids will report pains in the front of their thighs or in their calves or in their shin bones or behind their knees, 但它总是在长骨头里. I've even had kids complain of growing pains in their arms.

关节不受生长痛的影响. So knees, wrists, elbows, your child is not going to have pains in those very much. 关节通常会受到更严重疾病的影响, and you'll know because the joints in serious diseases are swollen, 红色的, 温柔的, 或热. 患有生长痛的孩子的关节看起来和感觉都很正常.

Although growing pains often strike late in the afternoon or early evening before bed, the pain can sometimes wake a sleeping child depending on their pain threshold. 每个孩子的疼痛程度各不相同. 所以你的孩子可能不会被它困扰, 他们说, “是啊, 我的腿疼, 不过也不算太糟." Where another child who's sensitive to pain may be balling on the ground and just holding their legs and crying, 你会说, “我的孩子没有摔倒. 他没有受伤. 到底发生了什么?"

Most kids who have growing pains actually won't have them every day either. 他们可能一周只有几次.

So we always say growing pains is because the bones are growing. 事实上,这并没有被证明是引起疼痛的原因. 成长的烦恼 might just be aches and discomfort from jumping, 攀爬, 运行, things that active kids during those age groups do every day. And the pain can usually happen after the child has had a particularly busy day.

One symptom that most doctors find most helpful in diagnosing growing pains is how the child responds to touch while in pain. Kids who have pains from a serious medical cause do not like to be touched. 这个动作会使疼痛加重. 即使是轻微的触摸也会引起剧烈的疼痛.
But those with growing pains actually feel better when they're held, 当他们的腿或手臂被按摩时, 当他们被拥抱的时候, 他们可以蜷缩在你的腿上. 患有严重疾病的孩子不会这样做. 他们想要完全独处.

So how can you help your child when they have growing pains? You can massage the area, stretch, use a heating pad on the area, or give ibuprofen or Tylenol. Do not give aspirin to a child because it can be linked to something called Reye Syndrome, 哪一种是非常严重的疾病.

所以你的孩子一直有这些成长的烦恼, and you want to make sure are they really growing pains or is something else starting? 你只是担心.

你什么时候叫医生? Call your doctor if the following symptoms occur with your child's pain. 这种痛苦是持久的. 你的某个关节肿胀. 你的孩子有与受伤有关的疼痛, and you're worried that they may have actually broken the bone. 你的孩子只是发烧和骨痛,仅此而已. 你的孩子一瘸一拐,不是因为受伤. They have unusual rashes, usually over the joints or over the knuckles.

So while growing pains aren't usually related to illnesses, they can't be very upsetting to kids and their parents because the parents don't know how to help their child. Anytime your child is in pain you want to be able to help them. And if something keeps happening over and over and over, you feel helpless. 你不知道该怎么做.

You can be reassu红色的 that growing pains will pass as children grow up. Give them your support and reassurance and do the supportive measures that we discussed. And if they have any of those concerning symptoms, be sure to follow up with your doctor.

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