
你正在听的是 健康儿童专区:



当你的孩子发烧时, it can be difficult to determine whether it is serious enough to see a 儿科医生. 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, goes over some myths 和 facts about fevers in children 和 infants, 包括如何区分低度发烧和高度发烧, 以及两者的治疗方法. Dr. Gellner also gives some tips about fevers that will help you keep calm while your child is ill.

发烧恐惧症. 这是我每天都在谈论的事情. 什么是发烧? 我需要担心吗?什么时候会太高?

I get a lot of questions about fevers, 和 there are a lot of misconceptions, too, about fevers. When is it something you really need to be very concerned about, 什么时候你可以说, “好吧, 这是我能做到的。”?


第一个问题是 儿科医生 我会问你是不是感冒了, 发烧, 或者是其他疾病,你会被问到, “他们发烧了吗?" And if you say, "Yes," the first question we're going to ask is, "How high?很多人只会说:“哦,他们觉得很温暖。."

好吧, it's really important from a doctor's point of view that you tell us exactly what the temperature was. 这告诉大发娱乐应该如何关注, or if this is something we would expect with whatever you're bringing your child in for.

So let's discuss a couple of things about fevers to help you put this all into perspective. 首先,发烧对孩子不好. 错误的. 发烧会关闭身体的免疫系统. A fever is actually a good sign that your body is working to fight off an infection. 对于生病的孩子来说,大多数100到104度的发烧是可以接受的.


三个月以下的婴儿是例外. 如果温度是100华氏度.4度或更高,直肠温度是100度.4级以上,必须马上看到. That is when we really start getting worried about infections in babies that are dangerous.

发烧超过104度怎么办? 它们会造成大脑损伤吗? No. 感染引起的发烧不会造成脑损伤. 只有体温超过108度才会造成脑损伤. 身体的温度计会升高, 但是极端的环境温度, 比如,如果一个孩子在炎热的天气里坐在封闭的车里, that's when you start worrying about the fever going high 和 causing brain damage.

下一个担忧是“如果我的孩子发烧了怎么办?? They can have a febrile seizure, which is a seizure that's triggered a fever.“嗯, the truth is only about four percent of children have febrile seizures, 虽然他们可能看起来很吓人, 他们通常在五分钟内停止, 它们不会造成永久性的伤害, 和 children who have febrile seizures are not at greater risk for developmental delay, 学习障碍, 或癫痫.


所有的发烧都需要退烧药治疗吗? 嗯,除非它们引起不适. 看看你的孩子是如何表现的. If a fever is 102 or 103, you're going to notice that your child's not feeling so great. 他们累了. 他们脾气暴躁. But I've seen kids with a fever of 101 running around in my office. So go by what your child looks like 和 how they're acting rather than the number on the thermometer.

“但是如果我不给他们退烧呢?? 发烧不会越来越高吗?" No. The brain has an internal thermostat, 和 fevers from infection top out at about 103 和 104. 他们通常不会超过这个数字.

"好吧, if I get them something, the fever should come down to normal." No. 即使你用泰诺来治疗, 发烧通常只降两到三度, 和 it can take about two or three hours for the fever to come down.

"If the fever doesn't come down, the cause has got to be something serious.“哦,不. 不一定. Fevers that don't respond to fever medicine can be caused by viruses or bacteria, 和, 再一次。, it doesn't matter if the medicine works or not because you want to make sure you look at your child's other symptoms. 你的孩子可能感染了严重的病毒. 糟糕的感冒. 大发娱乐看到了很多非常讨厌的病毒和103度的发烧, 办公室里差不多有104人, 但这些都是最近的病毒.

“一旦退烧,就应该保持下去.“嗯, fevers only last two or three days with most viral illnesses. Actually, doctors don't even start worrying until a fever has lasted for five or more days.


当药效消失的时候, 发烧又会回来,因为这是, 再一次。, 这是你身体抵抗感染的方式. So once your body overpowers the virus, usually by the fourth day, 然后 the fever goes down. 如果它不下降, 然后, 是的, it's a good idea to make sure your child doesn't have some bacterial like an infection, 尿路感染, 或者其他需要抗生素治疗的疾病.

“如果发烧很高,那一定是很严重的事情." Again, if your child looks very sick, the cause is more likely to be serious. It's not important what number is on the thermometer but how your child looks.


很多家长说:“我的孩子发低烧.“嗯,你认为低烧是什么? “在98岁之间.7和100.“这些实际上是正常的变化. 体温在一天中通常会发生变化. 它在下午晚些时候和晚上达到顶峰. 真正的低烧是100到102度.


那么如何大发娱乐你的孩子退烧呢? 你应该让孩子流汗退烧吗? 他们需要补充水分吗? 发烧需要挨饿吗? 你需要做什么? 最好是让你的孩子保持舒适. You can remove any extra clothing 和 give them extra fluids because, 是的, 这将大发娱乐他们保持水分.

Most heat is lost through the skin, so don't bundle up your child. 让他们去努力吧. Sometimes that is what happens because they'll seem like they feel cold or they're shivering, 但这实际上是退烧.


同样,泰诺和布林对发烧有好处. 不要给18岁以下的孩子服用阿司匹林. It can cause something very deadly called Reye's syndrome, 和 you don't want to give them that.

大发娱乐通常说, "Don't give your baby under 3 months old any Tylenol or Motrin unless directed by your 儿科医生, 例如, 疫苗后." If your child does have a fever 和 they're under 10 weeks old, 再一次。, 这件事很严重,大发娱乐需要知道.

否则,你3个月及以上的孩子可以服用泰诺. 布洛芬则需要6个月以上. 6个月以下的婴儿不要服用布洛芬. But once they're older than that, you can definitely give them Tylenol or Motrin.

Be sure to look because Tylenol 和 Motrin dosing are based on weight. 所以要确保你的孩子服用了正确的剂量, 如果你不确定是什么, 去问问你的儿科医生吧.


还有一件事,长牙不会引起发烧. A lot of kids around the age where they're starting to teeth are also trying to build up their immune systems. 所以,虽然他们可能会发烧,但这不是因为出牙. 是他们想要击退什么东西.

底线是发烧恐惧症确实存在, 和 it is something that we all worry about when our child has a fever. But the most important thing is to make sure your child is comfortable. 确保你的孩子看起来很好.

If they look very sick no matter what the number on the temperature, be sure to bring them in. If their temperature is a little bit higher than you're comfortable with, 随时欢迎您来电咨询. 但发烧是件好事. It's your body's way of actually trying to fight off an illness. 让它发挥它的作用.
