

Wound care  uses specific dressings and hygiene to prevent wound infections. The wound care team assesses the healing progress of wounds daily. 伤口护理:

  • 有助于改善疼痛结果,
  • prevents infection by using specific dressings and daily hygiene,
  • 评估伤口进展
  • 决定是否需要手术
  • 促进伤口的血液流动,而且
  • 有助于减少疤痕组织.

Daily assessments help the wound care team decide if your wounds may need surgical care.


当 你被送进烧伤科了, your wounds will get an initial cleaning, or debridement. You may need sedation and pain medication for this process.

There are many types of ointments and creams that we use, 这取决于你烧伤的深度和阶段.

膏霜, & 解决方案

Here are some of the ointments and creams we use in wound care:

  • 芦荟产品 - Lotions, gels and sprays used to moisturize skin.
  • 杆菌肽 – 杆菌肽 is an antibiotic ointment used to treat burns, healing skin grafts, and donor sites.
  • 尤西林或埃尔塔 – Moisturizing lotions/creams that are put on healed burns, grafts, and donor sites.
  • Silvadene – A white antibiotic cream put on new burns to prevent infection.
  • 硝酸银 – A solution of silver salt that is antibacterial and used to treat some burn wounds and to stop bleeding.


The wound care team includes experienced registered nurses and health care assistants who work with burn physicians and advanced practice providers. The team evaluates and determines the best treatment for wounds.



Everyday there is a dedicated wound care team that arrives early to prepare and schedule your dressing changes. The time the team changes your dressings may be different from day to day. The bedside nurse will communicate wound care times with you. They will also discuss the pain management plan for the dressing change. 

During the day, dressing changes might be done in the shower room or in the patient’s room.

We encourage patients to wash their wounds and help with dressing changes as soon as they are able. 在你离开医院之前, 大发娱乐将为您大发娱乐提供, 还有在家帮你的人, 接受过如何包扎伤口的培训.


  • Ace包装 -用于包裹烧伤部位的弹性绷带. 它大发娱乐提供压力和支持, 从而潜在地减少疤痕的大小, 改善血液循环, 减少肿胀.
  • Acticoat – A patented silver coated antimicrobial burn dressing that kills bacteria and yeast. Used to treat 2nd and 3rd degree burns and donor sites. It may be applied as a dry dressing or as a wet dressing with water.
  • Adaptic -一种不粘纱布.
  • 同种异体移植物 – A biological dressing used as a covering for a burned area. 它是尸体皮肤(也称为同种移植).
  • Kerlix -一种用来包扎烧伤伤口的纱布.
  • Mepilex – A patented absorbent wound care product used to dress burn wounds.
  • Suprathel – A patented synthetic wound application, typically used on donor sites.

员工卫生 & 家人或朋友 

Staff participating in a dressing change will wear a 帽子, 面具, 塑料礼服, 护目镜, and 手套 to protect the patient from contamination. If a family member or friend wishes to participate during wound care, they may need to wear a:

  • 帽子,
  • 礼服,
  • 面具,
  • 手套.

Please let us know if you have any questions about dressing changes for wounds.



There are many factors that affect how long your wounds will take to heal. 其中包括:

  • 病人的年龄
  • Infection: if the wound becomes infected or if you develop an infection elsewhere in your body
  • 营养 plays a big part in your body’s ability to heal and fight infection
  • 预先存在的疾病
  • 使用类固醇
  • Smoking decreases the amount of oxygen in your tissues
  • Decreased immune system from pre-existing disease or from the burn injury


Some of the problems that can affect how your wounds heal include the following: 

  • 疤痕发展
  • 关节挛缩
  • 干燥的皮肤
  • 瘙痒
  • 皮肤颜色的变化
  • 高度敏感 & 脆弱的皮肤
  • 感觉下降
  • 体温调节能力差
  • 慢性疼痛

The wound care team at University of Utah Health is trained in all wound healing techniques. Our goal is to give you the highest quality care available.


Why does it matter that we are a verified burn center? The American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons designed a rigorous review program that ensures verified centers offer the best care for their patients. This includes the whole patient experience from the time of injury through rehabilitation.

It also means we meet the highest quality of care available because we meet these high quality standards. 这些标准是针对人员资格的, 设施资源, 组织结构, 以及医疗服务.


